Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Any Yoga Enthusiasts? Need help here...

    Many times... I've motivated myself to do Yoga but I seem to give up on it so quickly. I like it but I'm having a hard time staying motivated doing it everyday. I want to add it to my daily routine because I know it's good for the mind and body. ...
    by: Monica11082012 on: 2012/11/11
  • Back and Biceps

    Well this workout while a good one had some problems. I tried for a new max on deadlifts and did not get it. Deadlifts 225x10 315x6 500--after three tries i did not get it. Chins 3sets last set was using only 80lbs of help. Bent rows 135x10 18...
    by: 7707mutt on: 2003/12/05
  • Venting as an Instructor

    Good God.  I want to preface this by saying I like to have a fun time and I hope I bring that to the classes I teach.  Keeping things lighthearted and fun is what I hope to do to continue having people return to my classes. But sometimes I lose...
    by: yadmit on: 2012/05/23
  • Expect change: Week 5

    4 June 12, 280lbs. First month down (excersising) and in the books. So far, only ten pounds lost. Not too happy about that, but it was to be expected. Wasn't "all-in" with working out but the pace and routine has picked up and solidified. With the...
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/06/04
  • Expect change: Week 2

    14 May2012, 287lbs: Feeling great. Start of week two.( Lunges still suck ) Start getting the planning together for cardio additions to home work-out. Also start planning the nutrition portion of "Diet & Excercise". Here's to the start of a great w...
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/05/14
  • Expect change: Week 3

    21May: 285lbs. "back to work" in more ways then one. raising the bar today. Only the morning work-out alone will not erase the yaers of abuse to my body. Started calves as supplemental today. 3 sets each of single leg and dual leg raises. Feelin i...
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/05/21
  • Expect change: Week 4

    Week 4 starts anew. Cardio M,W,F & home muscle T, T and sat. Whew, cant wait to start and feel the difference.
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/05/27
  • Chest and Tri

    Bench 135x10 175x10 185x10 195x10 205x9 225x5 Incline 155x10 165x7 Incline fly 35x10 40x10 45x10 Machine fly 110x10 120x10 130x7 skullcrushers 80x10 90x10 100x10 press downs/rope pull downs 3sets each superset(I do not give the weight caus...
    by: 7707mutt on: 2003/12/03
  • 8/10 back/shoulders/biceps

    Not too bad a night. Seem to have lost a little strength perhaps due to Holiday overeating. Intend to change that and seriously get to work. Motivation is back! Deadlifts: 11x125, 10x125, 9x125, 6x125 Bent over DB Rows: 10x30, 10x30, 10x30 Mach...
    by: I_Am-aZon on: 2004/01/06
  • Crawled outta the Dungeon after leg day

    Ok first leg work out since well may I think. Warm up 2 sets leg ext 50x12 Squats 45x10 115x10 (warm up) 135x10 145x10 155x10 leg ext 50x10 60x10 70x10 Ham string curls 50x10 60x10 70x10 Triceps Kickbacks 20x10 25x10 30x10 behind the head ...
    by: 7707mutt on: 2004/09/29
  • Figuring out what to do next

    16 July: I think while i get my new routine figured out, i'll just randomly post. Full body stretch, 3 sets (25 count) squats, calf raises and crunches. Was running around alot Saturday and left knee has been sore since. Decided I will go with Gre...
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/07/16
  • Monday - Back and Biceps (New Beginning...)

    Back and Biceps Oct 6, 2003 (Week 2) 5:30am to 6:45am (75 minutes) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== 185x5 205x5 225x5 185x5 185x5 Stiff Leg Dead Lifts 160x8 170x8 170x8 180x8 000x0 Lat Pulldowns 090x8 100x8 110x...
    by: tenorsaxmandave on: 2003/10/06
  • First day in the gym

    First day in gym and felt a little intimidated trying to figure out the machines that coincide with my workout. Had a gentleman comment on what me being on my phone during my workout, which wasn't the case...I was not doing! I was using my smart p...
    by: cmraines on: 2012/01/14
  • Fed & Watered

    11.11.13 Here is what I ate and drank today. I didn't really want to post this because I know people will want to comment about what I should eat. I know this is only to help me but I literally had about $40 for food for 2 people for this week,...
    by: Seireness on: 2013/11/12
  • Day 3, 4

    Ok, I knew the lack of nutrition would kick in, and it is. Let's see... Day 3 (Sat) Slept late. So sore from 1st at home workout and late night heavy meal. Did have a nice WOG though, definitely improving, but my nutrition sucked and I knew it wo...
    by: tmatteson on: 2012/02/26
  • Wednesday – Legs and Delts (Week 4)

    Wednesday – Legs and Delts (Week 4) Legs and Delts Wednesday Oct 22, 2003 (Week 4) 5:30am to 6:30am (60 minutes) 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x5 Squats 450x8 540x8 630x8 720x6 000x0 000x0 Leg Press 090x8 080x8 080x8 080x8 000x0 000...
    by: tenorsaxmandave on: 2003/10/22
  • 7/10

    Monday training B+ rating. Energy in abundance, although time was limited. Should leave for gym @ 5:30pm during Week #6 through Week #8 in order to complete regimen by 9:30pm. Had to skip a few sets of abs - try and make up for it tonight
    by: I_Am-aZon on: 2003/09/23
  • Rest, cardio day...

    Well, today was a combo rest(from resistance training), active rest with cardio. Trying at this point to create a caloric deficit, lose some fat and approach 7%. So, did a cardio session this morning, HIIT type on the recumbent bike. A 15 minut...
    by: bb1fit on: 2003/09/28
  • Worst Pain Ever

    Start: 6:57am Finish: 7:54am Warm Up: 10:00 joint mobility Compass: Light band 3/leg Heavy band 3/leg Pump: 5 Pullups: 5 Swings: 20 with 16kg felt good TGU: 3/side - naked Plank with weight transfer: 4 Roller and Stretch: 16:00 ...
    by: yadmit on: 2012/02/24
  • Exercise Day 1

    Going to get started today... Today's workout: Brisk walk/ run on the treadmill
    by: Monica11082012 on: 2013/09/09
  • PM

    Program Minimum Start: 7:02am Finish: 8:06am Warm Up: ETK - 9:45 with 2x5 pull ups and 2x10 dowel deads Practice: Goblet Squats 5 sets of 1 with the 16kg - spent some time at the bottom TGU: 5/side with 12kg - 9:30 Roller & Stretch...
    by: yadmit on: 2012/10/26
  • Day 1 Mass

    Bench 135x10 185x10 225x6 235x5 245x4 274x4 Flye DB 40x10 50x10 Machine fly 110x10 120x10 130x7 Skull crusher 80x10 90x10 100x8 press downs 75x10 80x10 90x7 75x10 rope 40x10x3 Kickbacks 25x10 30x10 35x10 Highlights 275x4 for bench nuff ...
    by: 7707mutt on: 2003/11/20
  • 8/10 Back biceps forearms

    High: No headaches, good energy Low: Gym very very busy - newbie people resting on machines between sets Deadlifts: 10x125, 10x125, 9x125, 8x125 Machine Lat row: 10x100, 9x100, 10x100 Seated Cable Rows: 10x100, 8x110, 10x120 DB 21's: 21x12, 2...
    by: I_Am-aZon on: 2003/11/13
  • 5th week day 2

    Chest Incline DB fly 10x30,10x35,8x40,6x45 BB flat Bench presses 10x40,10x50,8x60,6x70 gradul increase to see how much my left wrist can handle. Triceps Seated overhead BB ext. 10x25,8x35,6x45,6x55 Triceps Cable Pushdowns 10x35,8x45,6x55,6x...
    by: starbell on: 2003/11/21
  • Good strength day...

    Felt really strong at my workout out last night, even after I realized I was short a meal prior to it! Put up some decent numbers pretty easily. Very happy with the whole workout… - Machine Extensions (warm-up) 145 x 10 205 x 10 250 x 10 ...
    by: rev8ball on: 2003/09/25
  • Blah

    What a bummer!  I had a pretty disappointing workout today.  For one thing, I had to rush to get home to a sick baby.  That said, I had a workout, disappointing or otherwise.  That's better than what I was doing 2 months ago!  Even a disappointing...
    by: heraldstorm on: 2012/02/29
  • Expect change: Week 9

    2July: 278lbs. I know, I know. Took a week off from weighing myself and I'm at the same weight i was at 2 weeks ago.I know i can do better. Started adding 1 minute jog times into my walk. Did two during my 30 minutes this morning and not feeling t...
    by: williamhcroom3 on: 2012/07/02
  • Day 44 Workout

    Today's exercises for Day 44 are: * 3 Mile Power Walk w/ Leslie Sansone * Inversion Table hanging for a few minutes * 20min. Yoga for beginners w/ Rodney Yee Keeping it simple for a little while until I get back in the habit again. I'm...
    by: Monica11082012 on: 2012/12/22
  • dissapointed

    Hi everyone, I am so dissapointed because I thought 40 pounds was a good goal to set for myself then I looked up the ideal weight for my age and height and it said I needed to lose more. I am trying to keep up my motivation and still do my workout...
    by: newme2love on: 2013/02/25
  • Day 33 Workout

    Today's workouts are: * 3 Mile Power Walk w/ Leslie Sansone * 20min. Yoga for beginners w/ Rodney Yee * Inversion Table hanging for a few minutes * 15min. Daily Definition "Upper Body" w/ Jaime Brenkus and * 10-30mins. Mindful Meditati...
    by: Monica11082012 on: 2012/12/11
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