Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Day 1

    Did the extercise in the morning felt good not sore throughout the say at all hope that changes I think Im staying under my 361 caloric deficent but can eat anymore and its 6
    by: Peachy.Lee on: 2024/07/17
  • :]

    I'm so nervous but so excited to start working out, weird I know! I've always been 'the fat funny friend'  I've been active a lot, ish, I did soccer (I was in 5th grade-) I did Volley ball (5-9th, Had to quit cause of an injury) And I'm doing The...
    by: HanJisung on: 2024/01/21
  • ccc

    weight - 65 waist - 71 hips - 95
    by: aann.exe on: 2022/09/30
  • Just started, hope this works out (pun not intended) for me

    I hateeee my legs, and overall I would love to start working out more, so I'm going to try this out!! Plus it's free and I'm broke lol. I want to lose fat the right way, and especially lose fat before this summer. I have about 6 months, and my lea...
    by: katesuperc on: 2021/12/20
  • day 3

    skipped yesterday. no time. so doing the exercises today . hopefully ok to do them 2 days in a row, but I dont want to skip
    by: Gpiza007 on: 2021/04/27
  • New goals for a brand new me!!

    Tomorrow I start my routine I set up here. I have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic as of last week, so I'm going to focus on my weight, of which I have already lost 11 lbs (as of yesterday), and building my body back up like it used to be. I'm excit...
    by: 9385prwcbh on: 2021/04/19
  • The road to college

    Just signed up and made my plan I feel good one day im going to play football in college it's not going to be easy but im going to get it do some how.
    by: Mv45 on: 2021/01/26
  • Total Beginner.

    I've just joined and not started yet? Any tips, tricks....
    by: ama_initials on: 2020/12/30
  • I am trying to love myself

    I am a very fat girl always have been, it sucks to the point that my body disgusts me. The most I have ever weighed is 109kgs, which I brought it down to 97kgs but now I am going back where it was I already weigh 104kg again. I hate it, I hate mak...
    by: nbutt585 on: 2020/12/25
  • Beginning

    Hey! It is my first day here. I can't say that I'm highly motivated right now.I don't know if I will start this program, but I would like to find some people who would like to be in 'one boat' - motivate each other, share experience, etc. For me i...
    by: kkatee on: 2020/12/14
  • First Skipped Workout

    It's already going there. I skipped my first workout yesterday. That would usually sound pretty good, but yesterday would have been the third day I did this workout, so... Yeah, I know what you're thinking: 'this person's so terrible to skip a ...
    by: Oompichka on: 2020/12/08
  • FIRST DAY!!!

    I have tried to do workouts before, but it always follows the same pattern: Start (so motivated!) Do it for, like, a week (still kind of motivated!) Miss it one day and "forget" to do it the next. Quit the program altogether. I need to st...
    by: Oompichka on: 2020/12/02
  • Day 0

    Setup schedule, presently 130 lbs. Workout tomorrow.
    by: vcrespo on: 2020/11/18
  • Day one

    OK, here goes. On my tone and weight loss journey! Pray it's my last!!
    by: SusanB1957 on: 2020/09/29
  • back on the saddle again!

    I have been off and on my weight loss journey for some time now and I have just restarted and have to  stop the walking part as I rolled my ankle yay me why is this so hard to me to just do something right? all I wanted was to get back down to und...
    by: darker.tyn on: 2020/08/18
  • idk

    230 pounds
    by: Sam_A on: 2020/08/14
  • Officially one week

    Scale is saying I’ve gained 3 pounds. I don’t know how I feel about this yet •_•
    by: Shanica on: 2020/06/29
  • Starting Again

    At 50, I'm starting to feel like an old man. This isolation has had me off all old routines and how quickly things have fallen apart. Up to 197 lbs and what strength I did have is gone. Searching for something to help. I'll give this a shot. The g...
    by: NotYourBish on: 2020/06/27
  • Here we go again

    Welp. I keep returning to FreeTrainers because I love this program and it worked for me back in the day. I am heavier than ever...185lbs now. Maybe closer to 190...I haven't checked in about a week.  I participated in my second half marathon ye...
    by: on: 2020/06/22
  • Day 1 ( rest day)

    So today I’ve decided to finally do something about my body. I had a baby last year and since then I’ve been avoiding all reflective surfaces... let’s see how this goes. 5’0 110lbs
    by: Shanica on: 2020/06/20
  • New me

    I've tried this a million times. I'm going to try again. I need this.
    by: Sarahmj88 on: 2020/06/12
  • I don't know

    I have no earthly idea what im doing Im so sensitive right now about my body size and I don't see myself as beautful no matter how many time people tell me because to me there a difference between people thing im beautful and me thing im beautful....
    by: Samantha2020 on: 2020/06/07
  • Getting back into it.

    Tomorrow is the day, all the gyms are opening as the stay-at-home order in Arizona is lifted. I am excited to get back into it, but I am worried that I will not stay motivated. I just joined EOS fitness a couple days ago, and before the pandemic I...
    by: kaylahhampton1 on: 2020/05/17
  • Day 1

    Day 1 gonna start soon will post a bit later
    by: Kailuma25 on: 2020/04/10
  • 1st day

    Uncomfortable but I am at the gym to focus on my body. As my husband says "my gym membership is worth the same as everyone else's."
    by: Jricha14 on: 2020/02/23
  • Time to Pokemon onto the mat!

    I'm starting tomorrow YAY!! Hope to have a good chat and make some friends!
    by: [Former member] on: 2020/02/14
  • I'm sticking with it.

    This workout took forever... Man I'm slow... But I'm sticking with it. I'm sore as all get out. I only missed one day last week. That's called progress, right?
    by: LtLunatic on: 2020/02/05
  • Today is as good of a day as any

    I was hitting up the gym last week, but today was the day I actually started the program FreeTrainers offers. Feeling pretty good right now, considering that it is a Monday, and my knee has been slightly spasming. I'm still willing to toast thi...
    by: LtLunatic on: 2020/02/03
  • Hello Gym!

    Just found this website. Decided to give it a try. First workout: 19.01.2020
    by: MrMijuskovic on: 2020/01/19
  • Getting ready

    Hello, about to start my course for the first time, want to lose weight, eat healthier, and get more comfy in my body and accect who I am. Hope this works and I get better about who I am soon, get to lose weight on the way as well.
    by: zoemeades on: 2020/01/02
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