Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Day 1

    Did the extercise in the morning felt good not sore throughout the say at all hope that changes I think Im staying under my 361 caloric deficent but can eat anymore and its 6
    by: Peachy.Lee on: 2024/07/17
  • ccc

    weight - 65 waist - 71 hips - 95
    by: aann.exe on: 2022/09/30
  • day 3

    skipped yesterday. no time. so doing the exercises today . hopefully ok to do them 2 days in a row, but I dont want to skip
    by: Gpiza007 on: 2021/04/27
  • Total Beginner.

    I've just joined and not started yet? Any tips, tricks....
    by: ama_initials on: 2020/12/30
  • Beginning

    Hey! It is my first day here. I can't say that I'm highly motivated right now.I don't know if I will start this program, but I would like to find some people who would like to be in 'one boat' - motivate each other, share experience, etc. For me i...
    by: kkatee on: 2020/12/14
  • back on the saddle again!

    I have been off and on my weight loss journey for some time now and I have just restarted and have to  stop the walking part as I rolled my ankle yay me why is this so hard to me to just do something right? all I wanted was to get back down to und...
    by: darker.tyn on: 2020/08/18
  • Time to Pokemon onto the mat!

    I'm starting tomorrow YAY!! Hope to have a good chat and make some friends!
    by: [Former member] on: 2020/02/14
  • 06052019

    This is the day when i decided to restart my fitness routine after 6 months of hibernation due to my usual gym close down.  so feel the down time.
    by: JoelleChew on: 2019/05/05
  • Sabatoged by my Teeth

    Well...its been a week and a couple days since I have been able to go work out at the gym. Ugh. I have continued to get in my 10k steps. Sidetracked by some serious dental issues and nasty meds. This could have been lots worse than it has been....
    by: copperblonde on: 2019/03/06
  • Sabatoged by my Teeth

    Well...its been a week and a couple days since I have been able to go work out at the gym. Ugh. I have continued to get in my 10k steps. Sidetracked by some serious dental issues and nasty meds. This could have been lots worse than it has been....
    by: copperblonde on: 2019/03/06
  • Work Out Goals

    Lose "weight" - really I mean decrease in body fat percent Feel healthy -  I want to feel good about doing things like dancing  Be more confidant - Cause I'm not and I want to be  I wanna fit into the cute clothes
    by: Sarahb00 on: 2018/10/11
  • I need tips for weight loss!!

    I am 15 and I weigh 90 kgs. I don't have a full round tummy but huge thighs..
    by: 21donjon on: 2018/07/29
  • Wired & Tired

    Joining this site to hopefully get a routine going... start a full time job on Monday... first I’ve in 7 years!
    by: moechick on: 2018/07/06
  • And so it starts...

    So for the last few months or so after a rather hard period; which started with the loss of my mother; I have just been sitting on my backside complaining about getting more and more unfit.  So last night I had a moment of clarity...I have to do s...
    by: Chorkzseb on: 2018/05/09
  • Cheating already

    Been skimping out on workouts these last couple days because I've had a really bad stomach bug but let's see what tomorrow brings..
    by: Sarahjeanbaby92 on: 2017/12/12
  • Hey y'all

    Well hi :-) i'm ky and I'm new here  My main goal is to lose a little bit more fat and start to tone my body  I work out 7 days a week on top of being a swim instructor  I love having people to motivate me and support me and I will do the same ...
    by: [Former member] on: 2017/07/20
  • Hola mis amigos

    Hola. New here. First time trying this site. I'm kinda nervous because the workout I've chosen is a lot. And I'm coming from a different type of lifestyle. I've been pretty active with a previous job. Like constantly moving and such, but I've...
    by: Chapina716923 on: 2017/06/05
  • feeling bad

    I couldn't get to the gym on Monday. But today I walked a mile to the store. Hope to get to the gym tomorrow. Felt tired yesterday and today.
    by: Tasheika on: 2017/01/24
  • will I actually keep up with this

    that is the question
    by: Jess666 on: 2016/12/05
  • Fitness buff, no thanks. Slim fit is more like it.

    Hello whoever ends up reading this. I don't know how things work here. I'm very new to it. If i do attract attention, thank you and sorry, I think would be most apt. Thank you for letting me rant, and sorry for ranting.. :P I've never been re...
    by: Shoveit on: 2016/11/27
  • Change in the site tools and resources

    I like all the information you do provide, but you took away the calarie counters and nutrition. Now they are harder to find I have never been back. This site have been very ordinary and you should consider adding those features back For this reas...
    by: mikemcgowan on: 2016/08/01
  • Change in the site tools and resources

    I like all the information you do provide, but you took away the calarie counters and nutrition. Now they are harder to find I have never been back. This site have been very ordinary and you should consider adding those features back For this reas...
    by: mikemcgowan on: 2016/08/01
  • newbie

    I just joined and am ready for a long weight loss journey to a healthier life
    by: cosplay101 on: 2016/07/31
  • Why can't I push myself more?

    Now that I'm retired, I should be able to fit in lots of activities every day.  Problem is, what to do?  We spend a few weeks at Hilton Head a few times a year, and when I'm there I do great.  Gym every other day, swimming, walking, bike riding......
    by: zoomjet on: 2015/10/22
  • Back Again

    Ugh... I haven't been on in yonks.  What is this? I promised myself that I would start being more on task and taking control of my fitness and everything. But (though it might not be much of an excuse) I had a ridiculous amount of school work. I...
    by: stayhappythere on: 2015/10/21
  • School

    Its so hard for me to lose weight. I rarely have time to workout. If Im not at school Im at work. I also have homework from every teacher due everyday. I dont want to give up on my diet and exercise. But it seems to be in the way. College never gi...
    by: JennRandom on: 2015/09/30
  • I am a professional starter

    I've barely finished anything in my life. Or really achieved a goal. Or really gotten anywhere with hard work. I came upon this website and when I tried to make a profile, I realized I already had over nine years ago. I've done nothing but gain we...
    by: ogie764 on: 2015/07/30
  • First Day

    I have been wanting to lose weight for awhile now. My husband and i have been wanting to start a family and i havent been successful in conceiving and i know that my weight is a big factor. according to bmi and what not i need to lose at least 100...
    by: cheryljim on: 2015/05/13
  • The Beginning (AKA, the bad years)

    So heres the thing, growing up, it was rough. To start, in middle school, we recently moved (again) and my mom had been struggling with a lot of junk...and she kinda took it out of what junk I had in my trunk. I remember being in 5th grade, bra...
    by: jlsampler11 on: 2015/04/20
  • Getting Back Up Again

    My health over the course of my life up until now, has been a rollercoaster. Time to get back on the horse and stay there for good! This is not about losing weight. It's about moving onto the next phase of my life. It's about time.
    by: viavee13 on: 2015/03/26
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