Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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  • Plank Workout - Day 8

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 30 seconds 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute side workout crunches 1st set - 30 re...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/09
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 10

    Had pulled a chest muscle so rested for a few weeks, I'm back now! 1st workout day back taking it light 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 9 5 Sets  1st Set - 30 2nd Set - 30 3rd  Set - 30 4th Set - 30 5th Set -  30 Total Pushups - 150 ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/09
  • Day off

    “ use this because new meds aren’t worth it. “
    by: Jkcoll on: 2020/03/07
  • Plank Workout - Day 7

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 30 seconds 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/05
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 9

    Had pulled a chest muscle so rested for a few weeks, I'm back now! 1st workout day back taking it light 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 9 5 Sets  1st Set - 20 2nd Set - 25 3rd  Set - 25 4th Set - 25 5th Set -  25 Total Pushups - 120 ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/05
  • 2nd day

    So I am loving the easy free beginners guide. I need a little help deciding on how much weight to use and am I doing enough? I added fat burner on treadmill at the beginning and cardio on a bicycle on the end. I have no clue what I'm doing but my...
    by: Jricha14 on: 2020/03/01
  • warm up

    Bike for 10m, incline L10
    by: darthcrucias on: 2020/02/26
  • Day 1

    I just started up my workout routine, starting small. I went for about a 15 to 20 minute run, and then did a beginner's home workout routine, doing one set of each exercise. I'm looking forward to getting back into shape, going on long hikes, and ...
    by: broketheunivers on: 2020/02/26
  • Staying Motivated

    It took me a few to motivate Paul on Sunday but we eventually made it. 30 minutes on the treadmill was a bit easier this time but I genuinely enjoyed the arm machines and especially the 12 minute ab room.
    by: jegeleda on: 2020/02/24
  • 1st day

    Uncomfortable but I am at the gym to focus on my body. As my husband says "my gym membership is worth the same as everyone else's."
    by: Jricha14 on: 2020/02/23
  • Finally Back

    we joined planet fitness and finally got a workout in. i need to work on my eating still but being up and moving again will help with that once im in the routine of things again.
    by: jegeleda on: 2020/02/22
  • Plank Workout - Day 6

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/21
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 8

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6 5 Sets  1st Set - 30 2nd Set - 30 3rd  Set - 30 4th Set - 30 5th Set -  30 Total Pushups - 150 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 pu...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/21
  • Backs/Biceps Day #2

    Back/Biceps day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1  Back/Biceps Day #1 Stretches Kneeling Lat Reach Stretch Bicep Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Weight listed is only the weights added Deadlifts Set 1 - 2...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/19
  • Plank Workout - Day 5

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute 30 seconds 2nd set - 1 minute  3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/18
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 7

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6 5 Sets  1st Set - 30 2nd Set - 30 3rd  Set - 30 4th Set - 30 5th Set -  30 Total Pushups - 150 Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 pushups overall and then 100 pu...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/18
  • Day 1

    Not too bad, a little sweaty.
    by: Canisrufis on: 2020/02/18
  • Here we go

    So this is new to me. Im giving weight training a go for the first time. I used to be very active and play a lot of football. But over the last 3 years my activity levels have dropped and so has my fitness. I recently had a gym induction and now i...
    by: Murf128 on: 2020/02/16
  • Legs/Calves Day #2

    Legs/Calves Day #2 Stretches Standing One Leg Thigh Stretch One Leg Hamstring Stretch Calf Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Squats Set 1 - 15 reps - 17KG Set 2 - 12 reps - 17KG Set 3 - 6 reps - 23KG Set 4...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/15
  • Time to Pokemon onto the mat!

    I'm starting tomorrow YAY!! Hope to have a good chat and make some friends!
    by: [Former member] on: 2020/02/14
  • Plank Workout - Day 4

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute   2nd set - 1 minute 3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/14
  • 100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 6 5 Sets  1st Set - 25 2nd Set - 25 3rd  Set - 25  4th Set - 25 5th Set -  25 Total Pushups - 125 3rd day 100 pushups overall! ]Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can do 100 ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/14
  • fitness workout

    muscles shaper workouts
    by: premmu on: 2020/02/13
  • Ok, so I fell off my schedule

    But I went back. I went back hard. Arm day. Feel like a total bro. Get swole I want to go home and drink chocolate milk and soak in the bathtub.
    by: LtLunatic on: 2020/02/13
  • Shoulders/Triceps Day #2

    Shoulders/Triceps day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1 Shoulders Day # 2 Stretches Rear Shoulder Stretch Chess Stretch Tricep Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Seated Dumbbell Press Set 1 - 20 reps - 12KG ...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/13
  • Chest Day #1

    Chest day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1  Chest Day #1 Stretches Chest Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Flat Bench Press Set 1 - 12 reps - 27 KG Set 2 - 6 reps - 37 KG Set 3 - 5 reps - 43 KG Se...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/11
  • Cycle

    Did a 60 min cycling class today. Kind of out of my comfort zone and a little intimidating, but I feel good about it!
    by: mmcmanus99 on: 2020/02/10
  • Back/Biceps Day #1

    Back/Biceps day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1  Back/Biceps Day #1 Stretches Kneeling Lat Reach Stretch Bicep Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Weight listed is only the weights added Deadlifts Set 1 - 2...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/09
  • Plank Workout - Day 3

    Starting my own daily plank routine, goal is to get to a 10 minute plank. Doing 5 sets.   1st set - 1 minute   2nd set - 1 minute 15 seconds 3rd set - 1 minute  4th set - 1 minute  5th set - 1 minute  started to shake on 4th set, getti...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/07
  • 100 Pushups Challenge Day 5

    100 Pushups Daily Challenge Day 5 5 Sets  1st Set - 20  2nd Set - 20  3rd  Set - 20  4th Set - 20  5th Set -  20  Total Pushups - 100  3rd day 100 pushups overall!  Goal of this challenge to keep a routine of daily pushups until can d...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/02/07
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