Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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    Hello World!   My Name is Sarah! I am new to all of this exercise. I never have joined a gym. Well, 2 days ago I joined!! Really Been enjoying it so far! Ive already have lost 13 Lbs with diet alone. Ive been using my fitness pal to track what I...
    by: Recordbeauty on: 2016/05/01
  • A history of sugar – the food nobody needs, but everyone craves

    A history of sugar – the food nobody needs, but everyone craves Mark Horton , University of Bristol ; Alexander Bentley , University of Houston , and Philip Langton , University of Bristol It seems as though no other substance occupies ...
    by: FitnessArticles on: 2015/11/05
  • Update for autumn 2015

    A little accident stopped my workout on springtime I am working hard to be ready for exercises. Two sessions each day of phisotherapy to get my shoulder on the road again. Just before christmas I will do engage a new 3-day-a-week workout
    by: jordihdz on: 2015/10/29
  • Why I'm doing this workout ...

    I wouldn't say that i'm particulary fat but far from skinny and with costa rica and cyprus coming up i thought i was time to lose a bit of weight in prerperation for the summer holidays. This is my pre workout weight; 9 st 4 and i am 168cm tall an...
    by: Michkni52 on: 2016/06/26
  • Forget the antioxidant pills; just stick with veggies

    Forget the antioxidant pills; just stick with veggies Richard G 'Bugs' Stevens , University of Connecticut Based on commercials for nutritional supplements, or even a trip down the supermarket aisle, you might get the impression that your f...
    by: FitnessArticles on: 2015/10/05
  • Hungry? Food choices are often influenced by forces out of your control

    Hungry? Food choices are often influenced by forces out of your control Christina Roberto , University of Pennsylvania and Mary Gorski , Harvard University Following a healthy diet can be hard. From deciding when and what to eat to how m...
    by: FitnessArticles on: 2015/10/01
  • Why bigger isn't always better in the world of muscle building

    Why bigger isn’t always better in the world of muscle building Lee Hamilton , University of Stirling and Angus Hunter , University of Stirling The huge muscles sculpted by bodybuilders, action movie stars and other serious gym-goers can ...
    by: FitnessArticles on: 2015/09/30
  • Fat shaming doesn't make people any thinner

    Fat shaming doesn't make people any thinner Eric Robinson , University of Liverpool An online video of a self-described comedian criticising obese people and actively endorsing the use of “fat shaming” to scare people into losing weight h...
    by: FitnessArticles on: 2015/09/30
  • Saddest Leg Day of my life.

    5 years ago. i was in my "prime" condition. was on highschool wrestling team. trained with the marines, who used our highschool's weight room as their gym after hours. it felt great. has a beautiful pair of legs. pressing 620lbs at my max. Then de...
    by: Shiboshasu on: 2016/02/12
  • The Return of Mermaid Gal and Barnacle Girl 🏊🏽🐠🐟🐬🐳

    So today is the beginning of the start! Lol!! Hey y'all this is Ronnie!!😜😜 HELLO my beautiful earthly creatures🍃🐱🍂🐯. New journey, new me. I did my cardio today and feeling AWESOMESAUCE!!🍝 (didn't have a sauce so I used the next best thing, lol!) ...
    by: Roshel_Ronnie on: 2016/02/07
  • Monday 07/08/17

    Today's Workout It was quite easy exercises, but considering my already sore body, it felt quite intense. Especially the calf raises. With the leg press, I could have lifted more weight, so next time the goal is around 50kg. Afterwards, the 30...
    by: lmk96 on: 2017/08/06
  • Starting back

    It's beena very stressful year.  I am a stress eater and slacked on my workouts.  I gained LOTS of weight.  Ready to hit it hard and plan on writing daily.  Good bye thunder thighs.....
    by: jfilmeck on: 2015/10/23
  • Herbs

    I take many herbs for my health issues. I would rather take them than prescription medicine and the herbs work better without side effects. I also eat gluten-free, low carbs and no red meat
    by: redhawk553 on: 2016/07/21
  • Day 7 A Change For The Better In A New Direction

    Today was Great I did my Core, Shoulders, Back and Biceps before my Zumba class. Feeling really good.
    by: Tasheika on: 2017/01/27
  • Size Check

    Biceps - 36 cm Chest - 97 cm Wais - 94 cm Weight - 84 kg
    by: zaczeknfw on: 2015/11/21
  • Day 1 01/16/16 New Me

    A good workout 11:26 AM to 12:42 PM planning on doing more cardio later of GSC.
    by: 2010RDE on: 2016/01/16
  • Just found the "Beast Mode" switch

    Hey everyone, I've never taken taken the time to write a blog/flog, but i thought that this might be a great motivator for me this time around.  Brief history about me, I moved to Holland from St. Maarten (the friendly island) roughly 13 yea...
    by: lakersfan2910 on: 2016/01/10
  • Day 1

    I had a really rough day and I kept thinking about how uncomfortable I'm with my body, so I decided to make a change in my life, at this point I have tried but not giving 110% of myself, so here I'm ready for giving the 200%, until I get to my goa...
    by: slatsmarley on: 2018/12/17
  • Just starting Out..

    For the past 10 years, I have had mom-guilt.  I was always skinny, but after I had my daughter, I couldn't shake the weight.  I have tried several lose weight quick schemes and the only one that really worked was the keto diet.  Sadly, after I had...
    by: timbit_213 on: 2019/07/07
  • New Adventure

    I was always the super skinny girl. I weighed 100 lbs until I was 27, even after having 3 kids. Some medical issues came up and changed my life drastically. I currently weigh 148 lbs and have been at this weight for about 4 years now. I want t...
    by: GetFitBritt on: 2018/10/30
  • my circuit

    warm up: 2.5 km walk at 5km/hr trx: squats, lunges, rows, golf swing, lats 3x15 dumbells 10lbs, 3x15 tricept pull downs 45lbs, 3x15 pec deck 65lbs, 3x15 assisted pull ups 65lbs, 3x15 lat machine (can't remember name0 35lbs, 3x15 clams 3x30 ...
    by: sandil on: 2018/11/09
  • First day!

    It's my first day today working out, i felt very motivated and by the time i did my first few crunches it struck me. I could barely finish my 2nd set. I find it funny and it won't keep me from hitting the gym tomorrow! Finished my whole workout lo...
    by: Geantady on: 2019/07/01
  • 2nd day

    Hit the gym before going to the farm. Felt great!
    by: Geantady on: 2019/07/01
  • Day 0

    I am starting this FLOG out on day 0. Day 0 because I am not doing anything today. I should be waiting to start my fitness journey until after October because right now I am staying at my aunts house and I do not have any healthy food. But my issu...
    by: raftergirl on: 2018/10/14
  • Chest Day #3

    Chest day using the FreeTrainer 12 week Mass Workout - Phase 1  Chest Day #3 Stretches Chest Stretch Barbell is 7KG Dumbbell is 2KG Barbell Flat Bench Press Set 1 - 12 reps - 27 KG Set 2 - 8 reps - 37 KG Set 3 - 6 reps - 43 KG Se...
    by: nismolu on: 2020/03/17
  • My body

    Obese 138 kilos 6 feet 3 inches
    by: akshaykumar2000 on: 2018/10/03
  • Life happens, NO EXCUSE!

    Today is June 11'2019. I'm trying to get back on track with my goals but I let life happened to be my excuse to not take care of myself! I'm so tired of starting over SO I'm recommitting to working out and eating healthy whole foods. My addicti...
    by: CGMoore on: 2019/06/11
  • 5 Days!

    Ran five days straight, and it feels great! Ran 3.5 miles Monday through Thursday, and 5 miles today! Feels like I'm back in the groove, and I love it!
    by: slammertig on: 2019/06/07
  • Day 3 A Change For The Better In A New Direction

    Today was a very good day. I felt like I had more gumption. I worked on my Core and Legs at the gym. I also did a half hour on the stationary bike doing hills. Almost 5 miles in distance. Plus I went and took care of get my medical insurance. And ...
    by: Tasheika on: 2017/01/18
  • 1 month update 💪🏾

    OK so earlier today I completed the first phase of my 3 month Mass workout. I finished a few days early since I am on my summer vacation from school so I had more time. The second phase looks tough 😮... I feel fantastic right now though 👍🏾!!! I've...
    by: Seendaddy on: 2018/07/30
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