Fitness Logs

FLogs are a way to motivate yourself and others by sharing your health and fitness progress with the community. You may use the links on the right to limit the FLogs which are displayed.

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    Today i weighed in day and i saw an increase this week of .5lbs! This doesnt have me down tho as i am aware of what caused this weight gain, this thing called GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE that i ate way too much of! So i did some research on the net and ...
    by: gerilynn1975 on: 2012/02/02
  • Help needed :)

    Hey everyone. My name is Nicole, I'm having some trouble starting my own little diet plan. I've considered joining the army and of course you need to be in great shape for that, which I'm not, but I'm very positive about the situation. I'm current...
    by: Futuresoldier13 on: 2012/12/28
  • is this true?

    I read an article  that suggests that 35 percent of adults in the US are obese, is that an actual fact? 78 million adults in the US is a HUGE number, literally. I have found other websites tha...
    by: factsoflife777 on: 2012/10/30
  • 4/17/13

    Contracted bronchitus from motorcycling in too cold of weather. Also have shin splints so no jogging for now. Home work outs. Sit up, push ups. Counting calories using Android App Treating hunger as if it's thirst, lots of wate...
    by: foust130 on: 2013/04/17
  • Loosing The Belly

    I am seriously at the end of my rope and want to cry :( I have lost fifty pounds in the past five months..going from 193 to 155 and from a sz 14 to a sz 8. My goal weight is 125..This is my problem I have had three children and my belly isnt going...
    by: christy3297 on: 2012/05/05
  • One more day

    Been doing my nutrition plan, made it to the gym all week so far, feeling pretty good, sore but good!!!!
    by: Purplejean27 on: 2012/05/23
  • Weekly Goals: 4/49~5/4

    Sunday4-29: 72kg My goals for this week: ~run 15 mins straight without stopping ~take at least 2 spinning classes ~do an outdoor physically pumpy activity.  ~get to 70kg
    by: Oh_Susannah on: 2012/04/29
  • trying to stick with it!

    I did OK today.  Worked out on the spin bike for 30 mins then did dumbbell workout chest 2/12- 30# and triceps 2/10-5# and dead lifts 2/20- 10# then dreaded crunches 2/20.  Feel like I could have done more...tomorrow is another day.  Nutrition wis...
    by: CRNP on: 2012/02/02
  • Torture on Pause

    Well for the past 6 days, I've been sick.  It was a brutal little virus (I suspect) that my bouncing baby boy brought home from a get together at the local Library.   He's obviously far tougher than his daddy, because I had to stay home from work ...
    by: heraldstorm on: 2012/02/04
  • 2nd day!!

    So this is my 2nd day and I am saying that I have done okay today on my eating habits. I have had the proper amount of food and have drank plenty of water today!! I hope that me going this site helps me to be open and honest with myself. I never h...
    by: Rapperja on: 2012/04/23
  • another day

    well another day over and did my six miles again and then swimming, no aches or pains as of yet, but i know theres lots of time for that, but what i dont understand is why do they have vending machines at the leasure centre that sell chocolate a s...
    by: isabel38 on: 2012/04/05
  • Simple Protein Shakes

    Banana Almond Creme  Ingredients: 1 Banana 12 Cup Milk 10 Almonds 1 Serving Protein 5 Ice Cubes Super Slimmer Ingredients: 8 oz. pure water 1 tbs. flax seed oil 1/2 ripe peach (peeled) 6 frozen strawberries 1 heaping sc...
    by: MsStarsmileZ on: 2012/01/10
  • I can, I will, no excuses!

    So i've already lost a round  5 kgs over about the last month before starting this programme by dieting and now my body has decided to go on a bit of a strike. Well it's about to get the shock of it's life! I am wanting to lose just five more kg's...
    by: goodbyefatty on: 2012/01/08
  • Day 2

    5 mins rowing (1000m), 20 leg raises, 35 calf raises, 35 calf pull downs, 35 chest presses, 35 chest raises, 35 tricep pull downs, 35 crunches, 35 twist crunches, 35 tricep dips, cool down. Small bowl bran flakes with skimmed milk, 4 cheese oat...
    by: joolsmd on: 2012/03/27
  • Back to the gym

    30 mins at level 7 on cross trainer, 356 cals. 10 pushups (on knees), 20 back raises, 10 arm and leg raises (front), 20 raised leg crunches, 20 leg raises (back), 20 crunches 2 slices wholemeal toast spread thinly with cream cheese, 4 breakfast...
    by: joolsmd on: 2012/03/26
  • I'm hungry

    I have been concious of what I eat as I start this exercise program, but I'm not seriously dieting. The heightened awareness has been helpful. I"ve made some choices that are probably better than I ordinarily would. I'm hungry right now though.
    by: DHL54 on: 2012/01/07
  • Still going...

    Jogged 20 mins again. No pain, other than feeling uncomfortable from eating a really large lunch. I need to start lifting to get the body I want. The weight is coming off, but I want a tight athletic body, and for me, lifting is the way to go. I'm...
    by: tmatteson on: 2012/03/23
  • Getting there

    So, starting my basic cardio build-up. 3 days straight of 20 mins jog. Feel good, no achilles, knee, or quad pain. Weight @ 183.5. Need to shift focus from where it currently is ------> moving in the right direction. Having a blast getting my moti...
    by: tmatteson on: 2012/03/22
  • New Day One

    New day. Maintained weight. Did cardio. Still need to cook and prep food...
    by: tmatteson on: 2012/03/20
  • re-start

    Have been a bit off track for 2 days- just normal hormonal stuff - and had my son and my own birthdays next to each other - so a bit of indulgence, and a bit of a downer emotionally. But ready to get back on track - well I did eat 3 pieces of pean...
    by: on-a-mission on: 2012/01/24
  • idk

    Just sum tips iv been using that seem to be working. (Last month I was 195). Drinking warm lemon juice water in mornings. Eating blue berrys when I want a snack. Eating big salads for lunch. Drinking two glasses of water befor every meal. And ...
    by: alicia_mari on: 2012/01/07
  • June 16, 2020

    I feel like this morning I didn’t really eat that well, but for lunch it was a lot better. For dinner I’m eating out where it's very greasy and carb-y, so I’m not exactly eating the best today.
    by: jellyellieg on: 2020/06/16
  • Pushing On

    Been working out 3 days a week since January.  Originally planned on 4 days but my work schedule didn't allow but now that I am a little more motivated I am pushing it up to 4 days anyway.  I can rest when I'm dead... LOL Started a Re-new regim...
    by: the1jhill on: 2012/03/12
  • update

    Its been 14 days without any pop/sweet/added sugar and im down 7.5lbs as of last thursday. lets see what tomorrow brings :0)
    by: gerilynn1975 on: 2012/04/01
  • Day 1 - 22/01/12

    Day 1 Unlike most people i joined the Gym in early december.  Unusual i know but i figured that with the christmas binge i would only find it harder afterwards.  It started off great..but then i got caught a cough.  Over 6 weeks later and i hav...
    by: Mikewakelyn on: 2012/01/22
  • 2012-02-16

    277 pounds
    by: daschneberger on: 2012/04/11
  • Weight Feb 26th

    I am going to track my weight on this site by making a FLog every monday aout my weight. I will do this coming week's today instead of tomorrow. So this is my first weigh in. 308.4
    by: AV9414 on: 2012/02/26
  • Sunday

    Today got up, dressed, quick cup of tea, a few teaspoons Greek yoghurt then out the door. 1 cup of tea at about 11.30, 2 jube lollies from the kids...then a salad of leaves, tomato, cheese and 2 eggs, plus a cup of coffee. Had 2 teaspoons of ice c...
    by: on-a-mission on: 2012/01/21
  • Looking for HELP!

    Im an 18 year old guy standing tall at 5'10, and weighing in at a whopping 140lbs. Im quite skinny except for a bit of a belly, and legs that could be toned. My arms are tone, could use some size, but im not complaining. ANYWAYS, Last summer I did...
    by: Zander03 on: 2012/01/21
  • Day 1: PM

    So.. good and well, not bad. Had to shift things around. Ended up not eating much and played 2.5hrs indoor vb instead of home workout. Got home late around 8:30pm didn't think a complete meal was a good idea as I was tightening up already, so h...
    by: tmatteson on: 2012/02/24
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