Group: Beginners to Exercise

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rest between sets

Posts: 7
Joined: 2001/08/08
United States
2001/08/22, 05:44 PM
Is it really all that important to rest in between sets? and stretching the muscle being used? It just seems so time consuming.

Thank you for your replies,
Posts: 213
Joined: 2001/04/23
United States
2001/08/22, 06:47 PM
It really is. Stretching before will help to prevent injury and stretching during will to the same along with allowing more blood flow to the muscles stretched. Resting is more important if doing heavy sets, but normally 30-45 seconds shouldn't take too much time. You can superset to speed things up if that's your aim.
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United States
2001/08/22, 08:15 PM
I need the rest between and I have the strength to do the next one. At my age I need all the rest I can get!!

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United States
2001/08/30, 12:48 PM
I should read all the entries before I open my mouth!! What merlinhog said!!
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2001/08/22, 09:25 PM
Rest is very important! The time you rest depends on what your goals are. If you're looking for mass, 1-2 minutes between heavy sets. To tone up, 30-60 seconds between lighter sets.
Posts: 21
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United States
2001/08/30, 12:46 PM
Stretching is just as important as the rest Bennett refered to. I have read that the stretching should occur before the set to prevent injuries, and after the set to allow more blood to the muscle and increase your flexability. I find that a good stretch after sets makes me feel better the next day.
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2001/12/03, 09:58 PM
Where can I go to look for specific stretching exercises to do between sets?
Posts: 31
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2002/01/06, 06:48 PM
watch tv or listen to the radio while you're working out. it will make better use of your time and you won't feel like you're wasting time. it's probably not the best idea to watch a really engrossing show or good radio program, something light but fun like comedy should do the trick. or, if you're into these kinds of things, home improvement stuff and their ilk.
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2002/01/07, 02:48 AM
What about dancing? lol Everybody in my gym thinks that I'm nuts coz I keep dancing in between the sets.....
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United States
2002/01/07, 12:57 PM
LOL, Philia2. Don't worry, they used to look at me because I used to mumble to the weights in between sets!

Rest and stretching are very important. I used to have a watch and timed my rests in between sets just to make sure I got enough. I was always so anxious that without a watch, I would rush back into the next set, and I always paid for that.

Godd luck............Michael
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2002/01/08, 02:46 AM
And what did you say to them Michael, the dumbells I mean?

Actually I love to do super sets, where I keep turning from one exercise to the other (for ex tri and biceps) I'm not good at resting...... that's why I'm dancing if I cannot find something more clever to do (oh yes I stretch as well, but sometimes stretching is too slow for me so I wait till the end of my program.....)

Hmmm.... too much energy here I guess....
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2002/01/08, 03:37 AM
dumbbells: was that in reference to the weights, or the so-called "trainers."..........LOL
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2002/01/08, 07:10 AM
well I have seen a few trainers at the gym who would qualify for the Dumbbell job. Not here though, you guys know your stuff!
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2002/01/08, 12:59 PM
definitely not here....
but there are waaaaaaay too many at the gyms that i have gone to: "chalk is soooo old school."....."you'll never get toned throwing all of that heavy weight around." - those are actual quotes i have had "trainers" tell me. then i said to them "ok. thanks for the advice, because i want 14 inch thighs like you."......LOLOLOL
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2002/01/08, 09:43 AM
I only used a watch for the rest when I tried to "dry out" my leg muscles (which is NOT my wish today) I thought I had way to big thighs because of all the fencing so I made myself a program of getting smaller leg muscles without loosing the strength.
It took 6 weeks and I lost 5 cm (that's 2 inches for you guys) around each thigh.

That's just another proof that you can do anything with your body in weight training if you really want.....(and have the discipline for it....)

We are joking a little bit in here, but the rest in between the sets are and stay primordial for muscle change.