Accessories & Gym Equipment

Let FreeTrainers open the world of personal accessories for fitness as well as home and gym equipment which you will need and interact with during your workouts. Many of these are essential and quite beneficial in helping you build the proper weight training plan that will help you reach your health & fitness goals!

Clothing for exercise

Whenever you go to the gym to exercise, you need to be comfortable. Something light which doesn't constrict your range of motion. Try a pair of shorts or gym pants with a tank top or t-shirt is appropriate. It is important to keep your muscles warm because it will aid with your blood flow to them. Please do not dress to train as if you are ready to go to a night club! Remember that the purpose of going to the gym is to exercise, not cause a fashion statement. For your feet, wear shoes which will not slip and slide on the ground as well as give your foot proper support. However, you may wear sandals or go bare foot if the exercise permits this and this is to your preference. Please train safely at all times.


Wraps are used to support your joints. You can use them on you knees and elbows preferably. They will add support to these joints if they are unstable. Wraps are usually used for heavy training where the extra support is needed. They are also used when your joints are sore to relieve the stress during exercise.


Gloves are used to aid in your grip from slipping and to help to prevent the build up of callases on the palms. We a do not recommend the use of gloves because they weaken your grip over time. A glove less grip is much more secure and tight.

Wrist Straps

The use of wrist straps is to aid you in your exercises. They take away the strength needed in your grip so you can perform a few more reps. They are quite beneficial in very heavy movements. There is however a negative aspect to wrist straps; which is that you are neglecting the development of your hand grip and forearms. It is then preferable to go without them in the long run.

Clothing for exercise

Whenever you go to the gym to exercise, you need to be comfortable. Something light which doesn't constrict your range of motion. Try a pair of shorts or gym pants with a tank top or t-shirt is appropriate. It is important to keep your muscles warm because it will aid with your blood flow to them. Please do not dress to train as if you are ready to go to a night club! Remember that the purpose of going to the gym is to exercise, not cause a fashion statement. For your feet, wear shoes which will not slip and slide on the ground as well as give your foot proper support. However, you may wear sandals or go bare foot if the exercise permits this and this is to your preference. Please train safely at all times.

Weight Lifting Belt

It is very important to use a weight lifting belt for exercise that need support for the lower back. The use of the weight lifting belt is often used for heavy squats. It is very important to keep in mind that the you should not wear the belt for EVERY exercise, since not all movements require its use.

Free Weights

Free weights are basically dumbbells and barbells. They are weights which are not attached to any machines, but free.


Every Gym is full of machines now a days, for every muscle group it seems. Some notable ones are Leg Press, Lat Pull down and pulleys. Our Exercise Descriptions deal with all of the exercises and the machines they may use in detail.


These are single hand weights that range from 5 to over 200 pounds each.


Is generally a long iron bar with weights at each end. These weights can be welded on, or can be removed and added to reach desired weight. There is a variation of the barbell, which is the EZ-curl bar. This bar has a few angles in it. This will take less pressure from your wrists and let you target your muscle more directly.

Flat Bench

A simple bench which is horizontal.

Inclined Bench

A simple bench which is at an inclined angle.

Declined Bench

A simple bench which is at a declined angle.

Preacher Curls Bench

This piece of equipment is for lower biceps.

Parallel Bar Dips

Basically, two parallel bars which you lower and raise yourself on isolating the chest and triceps muscles. This is also available in a machine format that allows you to use less of your body weight and be able to perform the exercise.