Group: Beginners to Exercise

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When to add weight and how much?

Posts: 11
Joined: 2002/05/20
United States
2002/06/13, 02:47 AM
OK, I started weight training and am on my third week. I am a 48 year old woman and lost 9 pounds in the last 5 weeks by eating healthier and with weight training. The question is when do I start adding more weight and how much. Do I add 1 pound per week per exercise per body part?
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/06/13, 08:37 AM
When it starts to get too easy doing the number of repetitions with the same weight......
You cannot say when or how much but just remember that the last 2-3 reps of each set have to be a bit difficult to do. When that's no longer the case, you take a little heavier.

If you don't do this, you'll stop stimulating your muscles and stop getting results.

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
Posts: 1,226
Joined: 2002/03/07
United States
2002/06/13, 04:21 PM
I also keep a good eye on my form. If I add weight, then notice my form slip, I'll cut the weight I added in half.

Practice does NOT make perfect. Perfect practice does.
Posts: 1,008
Joined: 2002/01/24
United States
2002/06/13, 09:07 PM
The best way that I can tell when it is time for me to add weight is when I can do my max reps then I start by adding 5-10 pounds depending on the exercise or weight equipment. Yes you need to be able to do these exercises with good form.

Posts: 29
Joined: 2002/06/11
2002/06/17, 12:53 AM
When performing working sets, the last 2 reps of each of them should burn, or require a spot. When this doesn't occur, and you are able to perform more reps than what your program calls for, it's time to increase the weight. Use your own judgement, whether it be 2.5lbs, 5lbs, etc...Good luck!!