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What can I expect in muscle per lb?

Posts: 295
Joined: 2002/07/31
United States
2002/11/26, 12:48 PM

I am working out now...lifting heavy 3 days on 1 day off. I do 20 mins bike, then 30 mins weightlifting. I am 6'3 320 lbs, 24 yrs old.

Day 1 Chest Tris
Day 2 Back Bis
Day 3 Shoulders Legs

I was wondering what I can expect for muscle mass increase. I do not take supplements other than a Centrum Multivitamin, and am against taking anything to "enhance" me. I want to do this as natural as I can.

I would like to put on a lb of muscle per week and burn 2 lbs of fat per week. Is this realistic??? My diet is very good and under control (Researching nutrition is good :))
Posts: 84
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United States
2002/11/26, 01:18 PM
I think it's possible but not with the program you are describing. Why not use the mass building program and do cardio on your rest days for 30 to 40 min. Watch your hi glycemic carbs especially after lunch. I suggest just lean meat and steamed veggies for supper and treat sugar like poison. Just one guys opinion. Also, you made no mention of EFA's. Very critical I think.


*Excuses are the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.*

Posts: 212
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United States
2002/11/26, 04:09 PM
In my opinion it depends on the person.
Yes you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time but everything needs to be balanced. ie diet, weight ranges, rest between sets, cardio, hydration and sleep.
To gain 1 lb of muscle and lose 2 lbs of fat in a week and continually do that? I do not think this is realistic.
I do not want you to set yourself up for failure. I want you to be a success! Shoot for 1-2 lbs of muscle a month and 4-6 lbs of fat a month. If you do more than this that is great. If not one of the above equations is not right.
Cycle your calories and p/c/f ratios. Lift heavy and try the progressive gains or the mass building programs.

Good Luck and let us know your results after a month.

:) Melissa

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
- -- Aristotle
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2002/11/26, 04:40 PM
Gaining lean muscle is just as hard as losing fat.
Be persistant work hard. Take alot of patience.
You should really up the protien intake and the carbs, and also good fats.
I realize you don't want to add supplements and want to stay clean, but good whey protien will help meet your goals.

To change it, or to create it, simply train it!

Ivan Montreal Canada
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United States
2002/11/27, 08:31 AM

My diet is sufficient. I count calories and only eat high glycemic carbs after I work out. Doing cardio on my off days is too much IMO. I want to do eveything on the same day so I can rest on my off day and do whatever the hell I want.

I was just wondering what to expect as far as muscle gain.

Mandre...Thanks for the vote of confidence. MY target is 10 lbs of fat per month. I set goals high because then I try harder. I am backwards that way I guess. Some people set them lower and if they go above that, then they are happy. I set them as high as I can, and when I meet a high expectation...i nearly cry heh (yes im male). I guess I like to go for the best.

I will try to gain 1/4 lb of muscle per week. And lose 2 lbs of fat per week. How does that sound??

Carivan, I wouldnt consider whey protein a bad thing, however, I would prefer to eat right instead and get it all from there.

By the way, I was and will probably take Myoplex, which has 42g Protein per serving, and take 2 per day.
Posts: 99
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United States
2002/11/27, 09:42 AM
I highly doubt you'll be able to burn 2 lbs. of fat and gain 1lb. of muscle per week. If you were focusing on muscle with a proper diet and routine, then yes you could gain 1 lb a week. If you were focusing on losing fat with a proper diet and routine, then yes you could burn about 2 lbs. of fat. But it's not really possible to do both at the same time.

"Some people call it insanity, I call it intensity"
Posts: 99
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United States
2002/11/27, 09:49 AM
One more thing, in my opinion, I wouldn't even worry about the scale. Scales can sometimes bring doubt and frustration into play. Just worry about how you look instead. If you like the way you are progressing, then keep it up, if you don't, then change something. Scales can sometimes be deceiving.

"Some people call it insanity, I call it intensity"
Posts: 295
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United States
2002/11/27, 02:04 PM
I dont worry about the scale. I worry about Losing the fat. Hence, I want to build muscle. I realize adding muscle and losing fat could show wacky on the scale.

That is why I need to get fat calipers. Then I can see my % fat decreasing. I mean, since I am 6'3, if you saw me, you would think i was under 300 definitely. I carry myself well. Its just, i want to chisel up real good. But I need much more muscle than i have, and i need to lose about 60-70 lbs of fat before I do look chiseled at all.
Posts: 212
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United States
2002/11/27, 04:53 PM
Firehawk you can do it!

The testosterone talking. hehehe

Ok the reason why I wanted you to rethink you goals as stated above is I want you to be successful!

Yep I was a fat girl. Started this quest on Mar 7, 2002.
Using the tape measure method and Navy standards I went from
198 @ 45%
Fat 89.1
LBM 108.9

Last check Sep 27.
163 @ 29%
Fat 47.2
LBM 115.8

It is a 6.9 lbs of muscle gained, 41.9 lbs of fat gone and I am a woman. You may or may not do better. Probably better since you are male.

I did have about a lb more of muscle but that was burned up. You guessed it right if you guessed one of the above factors was not done. My problem was lack of sleep and getting sick 3x in 6 weeks. Both are catabolic.

Get out there and train hard it will come.

:) Melissa

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
- -- Aristotle
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United States
2002/11/27, 05:23 PM
Well I realize that as a 300 lb person (I am one myself) that you need and want to get rid of the fat. I also know from other posts you have done that you know more than the ave person about this. What I want to say is this....take it slow, and steady...those that loose a lot fast loose muscle first. I know you set a high goal that is good but in reality 10 lbs of bf is way to high...but you know your body better. I just think that that might not be reachable safely. I have spent most of my life being heavy, I weighed 170 in 7th grade. So I know what you are going thru. Then about 1 year ago I came to a realization. I was not meant to be thin, cut or anything like that. I was meant to be large and in charge LOL no really since I stopped lifting to get thin and lifting to get stronger and able to lift a car, I have lost more weight and added more mass. So all I am saying is that sometimes you need to take a step back and look to see if you are doing the right thing. But if you are bound and determined to do this I wish you godspeed and goodluck. Keep us informed how it never know, if it really works well you could market it! LOL.

Posts: 11,105
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United States
2002/11/27, 05:36 PM
In the very beginning, you will probably make quite impressive gains. As you near your goals though,and become more advanced, you will find it much harder, if not impossible to do what you are wanting to do. You will ultimately have to incorporate supplements, and there is nothing "unnatural" about protein supplements. A Centrum multi vitamin will not cut it. And remember, no matter how hard you work in the gym, without good diet, your gains will be very slow if at all. Good luck.
Posts: 295
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United States
2002/11/27, 07:59 PM

Thanks for the nice words about me. I like to think i know more than the average person about this stuff. I read up alot, and i do alot of research on nutrition. Can u believe at one time i was duuped into that atkins SHIZNIT? Never again my friend.

10 lbs is high, its about 2.5 lbs per week. I guess up to 3 per week is safe, but very strict. I like to target 2lbs per week. Im not so big that I am slumpin over and hangin fat all over my body, but I have a gut, and i have some thigh fat, etc (you know what im talkin about im sure) and i want to get trimmed. I think I would look so good in shape, because my frame is big.


I read a thread you started about "is cardio necessary"? Good article..great article in fact. I HATE cardio. Let me stress that again, I HATE IT!. hehe. My thought process has changed more to lifting heavy and keeping my diet in check, that way, if I am still eating 2000 calories a day and i add on 5 lbs of muscle, I am burning, 5x50 more calories. Is this a good theory to go by?? (assuming 1 lb of muscle burns approx 50 cals per day). I still do some cardio, but I ride a bike. Easy on the joints. I dont want to be 45-50 (not to say thats old folks LOL) and be having joint pain. My buddy has that, hes only 27, can lift 365 benching after 4 sets, but he quit because his joints were hurting him, mainly his shoulder. Saw a doc, the doc said probably tendonitis, nothin was torn, but hes had that problem for 3 yrs.

Appreciate all the help guys, your posts are very helpful mutt and bbfit. Thanks for all the encouragement gang.
Posts: 11,105
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2002/11/27, 08:13 PM
In theory, yes. By fact, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn even at rest. Muscle stokes the metabolic furnace so to speak. The actual amount I am unsure of, and not sure if anyone really knows. But you are on the right track. My belief, and this comes with years of training and observing, and training others, that resistance training and diet are key to fat burn, but even moreso changing your physique. As you say though, do not give up cardio entirely, it does have its place, especially in cardiovascular health, lung capacity, etc. And thrown in the mix, can AID in fat burning. Sorry to hear about your freind. By the way, I am 50. Proper training and diet and some luck thrown in and you will be fine when you are that "old" 45-50. :>}
Posts: 4
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United States
2002/12/10, 09:23 AM
rkahl- what are EFAs?

Posts: 84
Joined: 2002/11/21
United States
2002/12/10, 01:59 PM
EFA's are Essential Fatty Acids. Flaxseed being one of the better sources of them.


*Excuses are the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.*