Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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The power clean- is it worth it?

Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/09/28
United States
2007/11/08, 11:25 AM
In my experience, many people chosse to perform the power clean because they belive it build explosiveness and can help you be more explosive in your sport. The truth is that no one individual lift can make you any better at at sport, that comes from practicing technique and repition of the skill. Building strength will help you become more powerful in your actions, but it will not necessarily make you better. So if the key focus is improving strength, why bother performing the power clean, a high-risk power lift, when there are plenty of other lifts that are proven to give you the same strength benefits?
Posts: 973
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United States
2007/11/08, 11:29 AM
What makes it more high risk than other exercises?
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2007/11/08, 12:03 PM
Driving a car can be dangerous and high risk too.

\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\"

You have to learn to follow, before you can lead.
Posts: 3,081
Joined: 2001/12/27
United States
2007/11/08, 12:07 PM
It's a highly technical lift, not a high risk lift, unless you try teaching yourself or have a moron as a coach.

The clean, as well as the snatch, are not strength building movements - they are power develpment movements; two different things. You are correct in saying that no one variable makes or breaks an athlete, but building strength, developing power, increasing speed, etc., are all tools that, when combined, will help the athlete become better at what they do.


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2007/11/08, 12:15 PM
You need to make sense before anyone can answer that.

DEFENSE! - Bas Rutten
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United States
2007/11/08, 02:01 PM
It's not a powerlift, it's an olympic lift.
Being faster and more powerful WILL make you better in sports that rely on speed and power.
If being powerful won't help you, why would you do lift in the first place?
There aren't "plenty of other lifts that are proven to give you the same strength benefits"

SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde

Mortal by birth.
Strongman by the grace of god.

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk
Posts: 291
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2007/11/11, 01:47 PM
Maybe the lift won't help you develop the specific coordination for the skills involved in a sport, but I can't imagine how strength and power wouldn't be an asset to any atheltic endeavor.
2007/11/11, 04:10 PM guy are all wrong.....what really develops athletic performance are bicep curls....the ones where you bend down and then explode upwards in a jerking and twisting manner....after all 99% of the gym goers cant be wrong ...P
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United States
2007/11/11, 09:00 PM
LOL :dumbbell::dumbbell::dumbbell:

How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget.. you dont expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes
Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You cant expect a bit of hope
So while youre outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what youre staring at is me.
Get busy living or get busy dying.


Posts: 361
Joined: 2001/10/24
United States
2007/11/15, 02:20 PM
Why does every single highschool, college, and pro sports team in america utilize that exercise in all of their training regimens then????

I guess because it's so bad for you, and developing explosiveness and power is a waste of time, right????

What sport do you play, ????
Posts: 4,619
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United States
2007/11/15, 04:39 PM
Quoting from GOWAR:

Why does every single highschool, college, and pro sports team in america utilize that exercise in all of their training regimens then????


SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde

Mortal by birth.
Strongman by the grace of god.

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk
2007/11/15, 11:04 PM
The joke is on you if you really believe most Hs, College, or pro teams use this lift. A big chunk of such teams use much worse exercise selection.
Posts: 5,146
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United States
2007/11/17, 05:14 PM
My college does alot of hang cleans..and overhead squats

\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\"

You have to learn to follow, before you can lead.
Posts: 291
Joined: 2005/12/19
2007/12/02, 06:05 PM
Just wondering how one could safely learn olympic lifts, as technical as they are. I'm not too keen on trying to teach myself (not much room for error) and I want to associate as little as possible with personal trainers. Any suggestions?
Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2007/12/02, 09:15 PM
Olympic weight lifting and it's variations are worth the effort if they are coached up by someone that knows how to utilize them properly. I use them with most of my athletes. I have a few athletes that will never do Olympic movements. 1 of them is a male thrower who gets injured a lot. He is already very powerful so we focus more on his strength base. he has gotten healthier and has been a SEC champ in the Disc and top 5 at nationals. That is what works for him. Other need them. The one shot putter I work with lives and dies by his cleans and snatches. As they go up his shot goes further. It depends on what you need and if you have someone to teach you. A good alternative is weighted jumps. 10-30% of your body weight on sets of 5 for a squat jump is a good place to start. obviously if you are a novice you start with no weight and work from there.