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Someone to Watch Over Me

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2004/03/29, 11:51 AM
Hey everyone!
I am having a hard time with sticking to my plan and I need some support, motivation, etc. i know this is silly, coming from a trainer (trainer, train thyself) but motivating other people is easy, it is when it comes to my program that I get lazy.

I started a carb cycle today, I know some will disagree with mee on that method, but it really worked well for me before and I feel it is the rigidity i need right now.
All I am asking is that you help me by commenting on my daily food plan (I will put it in at the end of each day). I think this will make me feel more accountable, I log my food in a journal at home, but no one sees it, so it is easier to cheat (I don't yell at myself, much).

So, I am nervous asking for help, but what do you think?

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2004/03/29, 11:52 AM
I think this is a great idea. I think everyone will help where they can. Good luck.
2004/03/29, 11:56 AM
I'm here for you kiddo. Now go give the dog a crew cut and hit those weights.......hard. I look forward to seeing you food plan.

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

2004/03/29, 12:03 PM
Hey, at least you have a kitchen so you can HAVE a food plan. Right now I have no weight room, kitchen , or master bath. We are up to our asses in boxes and my contractor buddies keep moving us down the list. Life without a kitchen sink sucks.Last night I had pizza and cupcakes with pink frosting for dinner. How humiliating is that???

At least I have this cool new wireless gizmo so I can type from atop any box in the condo.:big_smile::big_smile:

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

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2004/03/29, 01:13 PM
Good idea asimmer. I look forward to seeing what you ate.

My gym dues are not paid with money.
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2004/03/29, 08:14 PM
Great idea. :)
What is your current objective? to maintain? or to lose fat? or to gain mass?
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2004/03/29, 09:03 PM
Alright. Here is day one. Konary - i am starting to cut fat. I have put on a lot of mass, but also some fat, so it is time to get down to business. I am contemplating an October Show, but would like to look awesome by June for the beach:)

Monday - Moderate carb day (second highest, Sundays are high day) Goals - 195g protein/145g CHO/38g fat

Meal 1 - 6:30 am 3 oz Turkey, 4 egg whites 1 cup mixed vegetables (asparagus, mushrooms,onions), 1/4 c scottish oatmeal (equivalent to 1/2 c reg oats). Ms Power Pak, creatine (1/2)

Worked out 8:30 - 9:45 (extra stretching)

Meal 2 - 10 am 1/4 c strawberries, 2 scoops Isopure Perfect, 1 tsp Udo's oil. Creatine.

Meal 3 - 12 pm 3/4 c rice, 1 c italian blend vegetables, 3.5 oz chicken breast, 1 tsp lo-carb teriyaki sauce
Coffee w/splenda

Meal 4 - 2:45 pm 1/4 c rice, 1 1/2 c mixed veggies (mostly broccoli/cauliflower), 3.5 oz chicken

Walked dog 20 minutes.

Had large cup of coffee with 1 Tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tbsop splenda (to make mocha coffee) The temp dropped and I needed something warm and comforting..

5:30 pm - 4 oz pollock fillets, 1 1/2 c broccoli/cauli mix, 1/4 c rice

7:30 pm - 3 oz extra lean ground beef, 1/4 c rice, 1 c broccoli/cauli mix, 2 tbsp salsa

At 9-9:30 I will have a scoop of pro complex with a tsp of Udo's choice oil before bed.

Day one, not too bad, but I am not sure why I broke it down into so many meals when I planned it. Tomorrow I have to go to a funeral and that will be tricky, I will do cardio in the morning after a shake and I am going to drink a shake on the way and pack a meal to eat instead of the lunch afterwards (church lady food). I also have to run around to train clients tomorrow night..Work around it!

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
2004/03/30, 10:56 AM
Thats great but how about today???:big_smile:

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

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2004/03/30, 01:07 PM
Sounds like a good start so far.
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2004/03/30, 04:40 PM
That sounds alright to me! Can you convert the servings to metric? :laugh:

You got good support here Amy.

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
Montreal Canada
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2004/03/30, 09:59 PM
Tuesday, Lower carbs, goals - 250g pro, 100g cho, 33g fat

6am 1 1/2 scoops isopure

30 min interval on elliptical trainer

7am 1/4 c scottish oats w/ 1 scoop isopure, 1 egg+1 egg white Vitamin pak,

10 am 2 cups mixed veggies, 3oz lean ground turkey, 1 egg + 5 whites

12:15 (funeral food, I didn't bring my own, too awkward)
4 slices deli ham 9estimated a quarter pound..)
1 tsp mayo/mustard mix
1/4 c rice dish
5 olives

3pm 1/4 c rice, 1/2 c veggies, 1 Tbsp salsa, 3.5 oz fish

6pm Isopure perfect shake (on the road) with 1 tsp Udo's oil.

8:45pm 1 1/2 scoops pro complex w/1 tsp Udo's.

Yesterday i got in 4 qts of water, today 4 qts, maybe a 1/2 more and I am taking ZMA 1/2 hour before bedtime..

Did better today than I thought I would. Thanks for the support, everyone!:)

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/03/30, 11:58 PM
Asimmer, do you calculate what you ate for the day in terms of protein, carb & fat? I can see that you ate all the healthy and good stuff, but have no idea if you reached your goal for the day. I guess I lack the nutritional wisdom to know from the food listed. :laugh:

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2004/03/31, 07:08 AM
So far so good. How have you been feeling? Looks like your diet is right on track, great work. Us trainers have to represent:)
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2004/03/31, 07:50 AM
Konary - I list at the top my goals for the day and the meals are those goals broken down into the right portions, it would be tedious to list every meal p/c/f, but if you really desire it... I guess I could.

dahayz - thanks, I am feeling good, heading towards lowest cho days, will see how I feel then:)

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/03/31, 08:04 AM
Asimmer, don't have to do that for my benefit. :) I was just wondering if you calculated them for yourself.
I try to calculate my daily intake, but I've been lazy and I have about 10 days worth of food list that hasn't been entered into nutritional tracker. Maybe I should stop doing that all together, and just concentrate on what I eat since now I have pretty good idea what's good and what's not. :)

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2004/03/31, 08:15 AM
I think once you know the amounts that fit into your plan, you only need to do the analyzer once and a while. i do have all of the amounts written down in my notebook, I just don't enetr them all here.

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
2004/03/31, 09:26 AM
Asimmer in a comment I made a while back. You give a reason to see the end of the tunnel. Keep on going girl, we are all in your corner and have appreciated your input and encouragement. :big_smile:
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2004/03/31, 11:44 AM
Amy...what is scottish oats? Keep up the good eating!

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
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2004/03/31, 02:33 PM
You inspire me:) Don't stop now, keep it going girl, When I saw you had made moderator, they made a good decision, You have been there and done that and you can do it again.:cool::dumbbell:

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2004/03/31, 05:32 PM
That means a lot coming from you, Sandy! And thank you, CC.
Ivan - scottish oats are closer to steel cut oats, less ground up than quick oats. I like the consistency better than rolled oats.:)

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2004/03/31, 09:08 PM
Okay, wednesday, goals - 250g pro/50g cho/55g fat

I am probably a little over on fat and carbs today, but my schedule got a little off (spring break...)
6:30 1 egg, 5 wites, 3 oz lean ground turkey, 2 1/2 c mixed vegetables

7:40 worked out

9:25 2 scoops Isopure perfect, 1/2 Tbsp Udo's oil, glutamine, creatine

10:30 Steamed broccoli - about 2 cups, estimated 1c (3-4 oz) steamed chicken breast (at chinese restaurant w/daughter) soy sauce

12:30 Isopure perfect shake with 1/2 tbsp udo's oil (on the way to the zoo)

4 pm starving, home from zoo. Nuked the rest of my steamed broccoli and ate the rest of my daughters fried (gasp) chicken wings. (a slip up, but not too terrible, I hope, just extra fat of the not-good variety). Reheated a chicken breast but it was dry as the sahara and the dog got all but 3 bites that i forced down....

6:25 waiting for client (supposed to be at 6:00), going to mess up my eating schedule, woman!! Ate 1/4 cup spanish peanuts (5 g cho) to tide me over...

7:55 1 cup baby spinach, 1 cup baby lettuce mix, 1 can tuna, 1 tbsp Newman's olive oil and Vinegar dressing (the BEST!)

Don't know if I will stay up late enough to do a pre-bed shake. If I do it wil be 1 1/2 scoops procomplex, 1/2 tbsp udo's.

Drank 3 qts of water today and a quart of unsweetened iced tea, and am drinking some of my 4th qt now... ZMA before bedtime.

Tired today, but off of my sleep schedule a little, so that is probably why.

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/01, 12:58 PM
OK, I am slow off the start here Amy - but I'll help where I can.

You go Girl - as Sandy said - you inspire us!
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2004/04/01, 03:16 PM
OH NO, FRIES!?!?!:surprised::big_smile: No sweat, like you said, just jump right back on track. Doing good though.
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2004/04/01, 03:55 PM
Did I see chocolate? Must be getting ready for easter!
GO girl...your doing ok!

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
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2004/04/01, 04:16 PM
No, not chocolate, cocoa powder. It is sugar free chocolate:)

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/01, 09:33 PM
Okay, Thursday.. Goals 300g pro/30g or less CHO/42g fat
Had a slight fever today and am pretty tired. Got up and had 1 1/2 scoops Isopure before attempting cardio, did maybe 12 minutes, absolutely no energy in my legs.

9:30 1 egg+ 5 whites, 4 oz lean turkey ham, 1 c mushrooms, vitamins, creatine.

12:15 1 1/2 cans tuna, mrs dash, 1/2 tbsp Udo's, 1 c cucumber slices

2:00 snack.. 1/4 c spanish peanuts

3:15 5 oz chicken breast, 1 cup spinach

6:00 4.5 oz extra lean beef, 1 tbsp atkins catsup, 1 large dill pickle

8:15 1 egg, 6 whites, 1/3 c mozzarella, 1/4 c ragu
tbsp cashews

4 qts water, ZMA before bedtime...

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/01, 11:13 PM
Hope you feel better tomorrow! :love:
I am learning a lot from your eating schedule. Keep up the good work, Amy. :)
2004/04/02, 09:56 AM
You said you needed help and motivation and the last thing in the world I want to do is put pressure on you. But do you realize half the board is following this thread? SO DON"T BLOW IT. GO WORK OUT!!!:big_smile:

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

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2004/04/02, 10:28 AM
Fever? Whats up? Take care of it, and keep eating healthy.

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
Montreal Canada
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2004/04/02, 03:45 PM
Okay! I am taking the dog out and running intervals today!!!! i will lift tomorrow when I have a spotter:big_smile:

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/02, 06:35 PM
Okay, charlie, check my workout log and be quiet. No, I mean, keep motivating me!!!!!:big_smile::angry::big_smile:

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
2004/04/02, 06:49 PM
If you scare me I'll go away.

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

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2004/04/02, 09:46 PM
Okay, friday, same goals for p/c/f as thursday.

Not as tired today, got a lot done.

Did pretty well until dinner, it was 45 minutes later than i had planned and I was ravenous and overate, at least it was protein...

7am - 1 egg, 6 whites, 3 oz lean turkey ham, 1 cup mushrooms. Coffee w/splenda

10:20 - 4.5 oz grilled chicken breast, 1 cuo lettuce mix, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 tbsp Newman's Olive oil and Vinegar dressing, vita pak, creatine

1:15 1/2 c Pico de gallo (look for the recipe in the recipes section, I will paste it in after this, very tasty) and 4 oz extra lean beef

3pm - walked to park, ran intervals with the furry cardio ing for 20 minutes, walked home

4:15 1 3/4 scoops pro complex, 2 tsps Udo's oil, creatine

7:45 1 chicken breast, 2 wings (roasted on the grill,mmm), 1 1/2 c lettuce mix, 1 tsp Newmans.

At 9:15 i will have a scoop and a half of pro complex, and before bed I will take my ZMA.

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/04, 08:52 AM
Couldn't get on the site yeaterday, so here is Saturday's food...
Saturday, same goals as Thursday/Friday

7:30 am - 1 egg, 6 whites, 3.5oz lean turkey ham, ½ cup Pico de Gallo, creatine, later some coffee with Splenda

10:10 am , on the way to soccer game, 1 ½ scoops Isopure, 1 tbsp Udo’s oil, vita pak

12:30 4 oz extra lean burger, large dill pickle, tbsp Atkins’ catsup

Coffee with 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa and Splenda (the girls were making easy bake oven cakes and I needed a sweet fix)

2:30 Saw Walking Tall, ate 3 oz of smuggled in 97% fat free beef jerky and had a small diet Pepsi

Worked out, good workout, hard.

6 pm - a little too long without food. 1 ¾ scoops Pro Complex and creatine, glutamine

7:30 4 oz extra lean beef Atkins’ catsup

9:15 tired. Took ZMA, going to bed. Spring forward tomorrow!

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/04, 08:36 PM
Today was a challenging day - I was out all day, forgot to pack my shake, had two restaurant birthday events. All in all I don't think i did too badly, today is my high carb day - up to 200g, 195g pro for goal, 22g fat, which I most probably exceeded. But I got through the weekend without any beer or really crappy food. :)

7:00am 1 cup sliced strawberries w/splenda (the bomb!!!), 1/4 c scottish oats, 1 scoop isopure in oats.

10:20 Forgot my shake (Out training clients), stopped at a general store, no protein shakes there. Settled for a 2 oz packet of 97% lean beef jerky, an apple and a diet coke with lime :).

12:30 Birthday brunch for my Husband.. 1 cup mixed fruit (Melon, grapes, pineapple, strawberries), 3/4c scrambled eggs, 1/2 c mashed potatoes, 3 oz baked fish. Vita Pak

2:00 Still at brunch, getting hun gry again. 3/4 cup cottage cheese, 2 lg olives, 5 celery sticks.

5:30 Birthday Dinner for Hubby... 1 oz tortilla chips, <1/4c salsa, grilled chicken salad (lettuce, pico de gallo, avocado, chicken, soft cheese), diet pepsi. watched my husband drink 3 tall dos equis :( I am proud of myself, though and that is why I had some chips.

At 8:30 I will have some pro complex. Before bed I will have my ZMA. Oh, I took my creatione this afternoon.

Sunday is the hardest day to not cheat, next weekend will be even better, my resolve gets stronger every day.Tonight I weigh in and measure again (kind of stupid to do it at night, but that is how it worked out.)

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
2004/04/05, 10:45 AM
When I saw a month ago that lifting would be impossible for a while it was depressing.It seems to be all mindset doesn't it. I am a week from starting back to lifting and I just can't wait. The comment about watching the husband have a few dos equis hits home. I don't miss drinking but there are foods that are hard to leave alone. I feel cheated watching others eat them now. Somehow when you put the whole eating, resting and lifting ensemble together the mindset gets easier with time. Pat yourself on the back Amy and go lift.

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

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2004/04/05, 01:02 PM
Wow thats what I cal a successfull day Amy. I can't agree more about sundays being the hardest day! I've been at home a week now and everyday feels like Sunday!
Keep up the momentum.

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
Montreal Canada
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2004/04/05, 09:16 PM
Weighed and measured last night. I lost two pounds, an inch off my waist and a little over ¼ inch off my hips (Must have been holding water last week). I need to get my comp done, but for now the weight and measurements will have to do. I should be happy with those results, but I always want it to go faster..better listen to my own advice and be patient, enjoy the process.

Woke up today with a terrible attitude. Feeling down and crabby, stomach is off. One of my clients called in sick with 102 fever..hope I am not coming down with something.

Stuck to my food plan, didn’t workout, except some boxing with my morning client (does that count? I was moving)

7:15 30z lean turkey, scrambled with 4 egg whites, 1 cup pico de gallo and ¼ c Scottish oats.

10:30 1/4c strawberries in shake with 2 scoops Isopure perfect, dash of vanilla flavor, splenda, ice, ½ tbsp Udo’s oil (The vanilla and splenda really took the flavor up a notch!)

1:00 ¼ c rice, 1 cup broccoli, 1 oz beef, 3 oz chicken, vita pak

4:00 4 oz extra lean beef, ½ cup rice - didn’t feel like eating much.

7:30 Nothing sounded good. Had 1 egg and 4 whites, scrambled and 2 wheat free blueberry waffles (35g cho) Still within my daily amount.

Before bed I will have a scoop of pro complex. Had my creatine with dinner, will have ZMA before bed…

I am sure tomorrow I will feel better.

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2004/04/05, 09:48 PM
Your doing great Amy - 1" off the waist is doin fine.
What exactyl is vita pak?
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2004/04/05, 10:03 PM
Have a good night sleep and rest, I can't afford to have you sick. I need your advice! :)
But seriously, cutting phase diet can affect your immune system. Take good care of yourself.:love:
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2004/04/06, 09:19 AM
AMazon - I use beverly's Female Power Pack, it is a pack of vitamins, minerals and efa capsules designed for female bodybuilders/powerlifters. It also has a different nutrient pack for the 8 days of your cycle. I like it because I don't have to buy all the seperate vit/mins and compile packets, it is all right there and it is around $1 a day.
Konary - I am feeling a lot better today! And my pants are looser!!! I am taking immune supporting supplements and focusing on getting more sleep. I think there are just some other factors here, like hormones and fatigue from the stress of my grandma's ilness/death recently. I will be better soon.

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/07, 08:16 AM
Tuesday - slept in a little:), had a really good day - got my errands run in the morning and did girly reward things (hair and nails). Got a little off schedule with eating, but had a great workout!

7:45am - 1/4 c oats, 1 scoop Isopure, 1egg+1 white

9:45 3 oz turkey, 1 egg, 4 whites, 1 c mushrooms, 1 cup mixed vegetables

12:30 (on the run) Myoplex RTD 43g pro, 20g cho

3 pm - Home, not very hungry but wanted to eat something before I worked out - 1 cup 1% cottage cheese (it was easy)

5:15 Chocolate peanut butter myoplex lite (mmmmmm)

Here is where my shcedule got screwy - I had my post workout shake, showered and went out the dorr to go train clients. I took a little longer than I thought I would, so my next meal wasn't until 9:15, when I was home and settled.

9:15 1 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 c walnuts, 1 sugar free watermelon jello. Not highly nutritious, but it was easy...

I drank about 3 qts of water today, and I forgot to take my vitamins:( I did rememeber my creatine and, at bedtime, my ZMA.

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/07, 09:35 PM
Wednesday! I was such a slacker nutritionally today. I just felt too lazy to cook, but I got a lot of stuff done around the house and I rememebered to take my vitamins:)

Goals for wednesdays - 250g pro, 50g cho, 55g fat

7 AM 3 oz lean ground turkey, 1 egg, 5 whites, 1/2 tsp oil, 1 1/4 c mushrooms, 1 1/4 c mixed vegetables. (all scrambled together) and that was as industrious as I was in the kitchen today...

10:30 am myoplex lite

11:30 ripped force fruit punch, left at 1 to go run with the furry cardio king.

1:00 2 scoops Isopure perfect, vitamins, creatine

2:00 1c baby spinach, 1c lettuce mix 1 1/2 cans tuna , 1/2 tbsp Newman's olive oil and vinegar dressing

4:30 1 cup cottage cheese (sooo lazy)

7:30 1 c cottage cheese, 1 low carb yogurt, 1/4 cup walnuts.

Will take some ZMA before bedtime.
Drank about 3qts of water today, maybe more, i got a new water bottle and i am not tracking consumption as well with it...

Tomorrow I will cook some chicken and vegetables and not be soooo lazy:surprised:

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/07, 10:31 PM
Looks pretty good to me, keep it up.
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2004/04/08, 08:09 AM
Thanks, dahayz! My hubby said yesterday that I already look leaner, and I can see a difference in my abdominal area and my face.

Today, as i eat my egs and vegetables i am feeling really happy and motivated. Isn't it funny how sometimes you can wake up with your ears flat back and your claws out for no apparent treason and other days you feel stupid-in-love with your life?

Today will be a challenge because it is my hubby's birthday, I am making him his requested yellow cake with chocolate frosting (luckily not really a temptation to me, I don't much like cake), and I am making him homemade potpie for dinner. That is hard to resist, the smell of it cooking is awesome. But feeling leaner is awesomer, so I won't eat any!

I will post my successful day later!!!:big_smile:

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/08, 10:20 AM
Asimmer...hate to say it, but this is the very first I have read of this post. Keep up the good work, I will have to check in with it more often. Willpower, willpower! You will do it...

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
2004/04/08, 11:36 AM
Amy , when you read jdelts post you will see that I am now dividing my time between the two of you. My life is a busy one! All I can say to you is that sometime next week I'll be able to start working out again. You need to work extra hard 'cause you surely don't wanna let a geezer out do you.:big_smile::big_smile::big_smile:

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

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2004/04/09, 08:20 AM
The race is on, Charlie brown. (I wish we had littlwe sound bites so my post could make the little noise Snoopy makes when something displeases him).

bbfit1 - I thought you were just ignoring me..:cool:

Yesterday's food -

6:50am 1 egg, 6 whites, 3 oz lean turkey, 1 c pico de gallo (all scrambled)

9:15 - driving around to buy birthday presents for the hubby (not an advanced planner, am I?) ate 2.5 oz beef jerky, diet cherry coke (what a nutritional snack!)

1:00 home again, ahh. Large chicken breast (just got back from the butcher shop:big_smile:), on 1 1/2c lettuce mix, 1 tbsp Annie's Ceaser dressing

Hubby got off from work early because it is his birthday!
Went out for 'good' coffee.
2:45 large Rainforest roast with depth charge, shot of sugar free caramel flavoring. OHMYGOSH, sooo gooood. SOOOO HYPER!!! got home, cleaned house, did dishes, should have worked out:(

4:30 3 oz chicken, 1/4c spanish peanuts, 1 tbsp cashews, 1 hard boiled egg white (this while mixing up the birthday cake and boiling eggs for dying tomorrow)

7:00 Hubby wants pancakes for his b-day dinner - so we head to local Embers. I had an awesome 'gourmet' omelette, 4 egg whites, a mix of shrimp, crab, fish and scallops, a little cheese. 1 cup baby salad greens, ,1 tsp cranberry vinagrette. Probably too much fat in the omelette, but it sure was good and it wasn't pancakes!

9:00 2 scoops pro complex, 2 tsp udo's, 1/6th of a package of sugarfree, fatfree chocolate pudding (even though I don't like cake, per se, I am feeling sorry for myself about not having any, hence the pudding mix in my shake)(adds 8g cho, but no sugar)

Before bed I took my ZMA.

Had about 3 1/2 qts water, realized at the end of the day I forgot my vitamins again, dangit, and my creatine. Friday i will lift and remember my vitamins/creatine!!!!

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/09, 09:51 PM
Friday. Goals 300g pro/30gcho/42gfat

6:30 am 3 oz lean ground turkey, 1 c broccoli, a litle chicken broth, 1 egg, 6 whites

9:30 2 scoops pro complex, 2 tsp udos

12;15 lean hamburger patty, atkins catsup, 1 1/2 c coleslaw mix (raw cabbage, small amt carrots), 1 tbsp Newmans Olive oil & vinegar, a little splenda (sort of tasted like cole slaw)

3:15 1 tbsp nat peanut butter, myoplex lite vita pak:big_smile:

6:20 1 c coleslaw mix, 5 oz chicken breast, lo-carb teriyaki, creatine

8:45 1 c cottage cheese.

Before bed i will take my ZMA...:cool:

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/04/09, 10:42 PM
Looking Good! :)
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