Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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My bodytype

Posts: 3
Joined: 2002/03/31
United States
2002/03/31, 09:45 PM
Hello everyone, I just joined this website tonight. I'm having problems finding a weight training routine for my bodytype. I'm 5'5 175lbs. I have an hourglass figure. I'd like to keep my shape. I just want to bring it in more and build muscle. I shouldn't include my measurements but it's the only way I'll get a true response from anyone. My measurements are
38 chest 31 waist and 43 hips. I'm able to work out 4 days a week. I love to lift weights and I don't have a problem with my nutrition and water intake.
Please help!

Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/04/01, 01:43 AM
First of all you should fill out your profile and tell us a little bit more about yourself so we'll be able to help you better.

Secondly, why not begin with FT's weight loss and toning program? I'll work great for you (and your bodytype).

Good luck!

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2002/04/01, 06:58 AM
I agree with the above post, try the weight loss and toning
program. Add cardio a few days a week and you will see results!

There is no substitute for hard work.........Leslie
Posts: 3
Joined: 2002/03/31
United States
2002/04/01, 07:26 PM
I'm confused on the amount of weightlifting and the amount of cardio. Should i focus more on weightlifting or cardio? I'm able to lift weights 3 days a week. I can do cardio the same 3 days. I don't mind being a size 9/10 or 11/12 if i'm toned and the muscles show. However, I don't know which one I should focus more on. I signed up with this site last night. I'm going to the gym to tonight to start the program that was designed for me here. Freetrainers advised me to work on my back and shoulders tonight. On Tuesdays I work my biceps and triceps. Wednesdays off. Thursdays legs, chest and abs. Fridays biceps and triceps. This program is fine with me. My problem is I don't know about the cardio. If I spend 30 minutes each day that I lift weights on the treadmill or stairmaster enough?
Thank you for the feedback.

Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/04/02, 01:17 AM
3 x 30 min of cardio weekly is okey. If you cannot do it on other days than your weight training ones then why not do 10 mins before weight training and 20 mins after.

Your program seems fine.

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
Posts: 1,558
Joined: 2001/02/28
United States
2002/04/02, 05:26 AM
Working out with weights will help build muscle (don't worry, you won't look like a pro bodybuilder unless you train like one). Depending on your activity level, muscle uses between 5 and 10 times more calories than fat, so your overall metabolism will increase. This will help you keep fat off in the future. The best time to train is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You will actually burn more fat that way. Best of luck to you!!

"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."