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Help, Fat legs!!

Posts: 18
Joined: 2006/04/04
United States
2006/04/04, 04:18 PM
Im very athletic, my arms are thin, my waist line is thin, my chest is flat.. but i have huge legs. Most of it is muslce but a lot of it is fat and i cant seem to burn it. I have thick ankles and my calves seem to be non existant. How can i make my legs look more tone? i do everything, i run, i bike, i swim, i squat.. help!!!!
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2006/04/04, 04:25 PM
Unfortunately, you may just be genetically prone to have larger legs. I have pretty big thighs (what I call "thunder thighs") and I've just learned to live with them. Even when I loose wt, my waist gets smaller prop to legs, so buying jeans is always a challenge no matter what my wt is, but, loosing wt. may help if you're prone to carry your fat in your legs. Have a look at your diet and see if you can clean it up a bit.

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2006/04/05, 11:49 AM
High levels of estrogen will cause this in both male and female. Have you ever had your hormones checked?

Strength and Honor!
Posts: 422
Joined: 2006/02/21
2006/04/06, 06:50 AM
I too have large legs,but it isnt all fat,there is alot of muscle there too. I have friends that envy my legs because they are more muscular.I too have a hard time finding jeans that fit

It seems you are doing all you can to tone your legs,and I think you may just have to live with and learn to like what you were given.

Posts: 205
Joined: 2006/04/07
2006/04/07, 07:26 PM
I too have big legs, especailly thighs. Shopping can be frustrating because having a large hip/thigh area makes my legs look stubby.
Even with good diet and exercise, this may still be a problem that we will have to learn to live with.
What works for me is wearing high heel shoes. They help give your legs look longer and leaner!
Posts: 1,054
Joined: 2003/06/14
United States
2006/04/12, 08:17 PM
I understand that you are athletic and exercise and that's already somethin most people don't do. But how are you eating? It is just as important as training.

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.
--Vince Lombardi
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Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/04/21
United Kingdom
2006/04/21, 03:04 PM
I have a strange affliction. I am very fit and healthy, I watch what I eat and also make sure that my diet is healthy and nutricious. Virtually all of my body is very lean, carrying vertually no fat, very muscular and defined. However, no matter what I do I cannot get rid of my fat legs. Without exaggeration, the radius of my upper thigh is the same as my calf, seemingly no ankles and no knees, well the fat roll hanging over my knee gives away where it is. This is a terrible thing to have to suffer, and it is made worse by the fact that the rest of my body is markedly smaller. I look like a freak. It is really impacting on my life, my sex life, and my confidence. I rather stupidly stopped eating vertually for quite some time, just to see if my legs would get any thinner. The rest of my body became skeletal, but my legs did not change at all. Can any body either please give me some useful advice, or if they have any information which might shed some light on why they are like this? Why must we accept this? Why is it that obese people still have thinner legs and ankles than me?
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2006/04/21, 07:47 PM
Stepanie29...did you bypass my post?

Here is the order of fat loss...

In order of easiest to hardest fat to lose it goes :

Visceral fat
Deep abdominal fat
Upper superficial abdominal fat
Lower superficial abdominal fat
Hip and thigh fat

Notice hip and thigh fat last.

Elevated estrogen can well cause the fat to be stored there in the first place (female pattern).

Strength and Honor!
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2006/04/22, 11:36 AM
Prior to puberty, little boys and little girls have essentially identical fat pattersn

What happens hormonally pretty much determines fat patterns after that and, research shows that fat cell patterning is esentially 'set' at that time. So the typical boy is testosterone dominant, the typical female estrogen/progesterone dominant.

This determines what pre-adipocytes (basically dormant baby fat cells) develop to store fat after that. So girls typically get hips thighs and boobies, boys get fat on their stomachs.

Strength and Honor!
Posts: 205
Joined: 2006/04/07
2006/05/02, 12:57 PM
Since Hip and thigh fast is the one that seems to be the worst for women due to estrogen...if diet and fitness levels are great, does anyone know if there is a way to control this elevated estrogen???
Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/07/03
2006/07/03, 03:43 AM
Oh my god I have the same problem with the muscular legs...its not that I have fat legs so much as they are just really muscular. Some people call it the 'asian legs', because more asian girls seem to have that body type. Whatever it is...its extremely frustrating to have to deal with. Does anyone know any exercises that can help thin out the calf muscle?
Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/07/17
United States
2006/07/17, 10:39 PM
Ok im going to tell the truth... I really need help as some girls before have said they have muscular legs...well mine are mostly fat and i hate it especially going to the beach... does anyone have a favorite thigh exercise that really works?