Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Which weight training routine is better?

Posts: 7
Joined: 2002/06/06
United States
2002/06/17, 01:27 PM
Which weight training routine is better for burning fat? A program that involves at least 3 different weight training excercises and works one major muscle (chest, back, triceps) once a week, or a program that you work every major muscle group with one type of excercise for each muscle, in one day, 3 times a week. A certified trainer told me that 48 hours should be long enough for your muscles to heal before repeating the same excercises again.
Posts: 1,226
Joined: 2002/03/07
United States
2002/06/17, 02:38 PM
First thing is to please fill out your profile. It's hard to say which one would be better for you if we know nothing about you! You've asked an age old question debating the merits of a full body workout vs. a split routine. In the end it comes down to preference. I would suggest a split routine first, then try a full body routine for 8 weeks. See which one you like better. I believe all the imperical data shows split routines to work better though.

Practice does NOT make perfect. Perfect practice does.
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2002/06/17, 04:20 PM
I don't have a preference...however, you'll need more than either to maximize your fat loss. Without a sound diet (this is 80% of the work!) and a cardio program (at least 3x per week), weight training alone will get you there but slowly.

Good luck!

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Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/06/18, 01:36 AM
Right now I'm into four weeks of circuit training, working my entire body three times a week. This is to change and boost my fibres.
After this (actually starting from next week) I'll go back to working heavier and each muscle only once a week.

If you are a total beginner and you need to loose some weight, then it might be a good idea to do some circuit training to start with. Thereby you'll get familiar with the exercises and you'll be able to follow the muscle mass program afterwards.

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....