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hardgainer workout

Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/12/05, 03:56 PM
ok ive read that hardgainers (ectomorphs) should preferably workout 3-4 times a week and should minimize calorie expence while taking in in my case around 3600 calories a day focusing on the big three squat dead and bench so would this be a good idea i just like to work arms so i add them in.
Monday chest and arms
Wednesday Squats
Friday chest and arms
Saturday deads
i was thinking of doing everything 10 sets of ten ten sets of squats deads and bench prolly three for arms
the idea being to pick a weight you can do for ten sets of ten without lowering it then increasing it the next week but you cant move up until you get 10 sets of 10
just looking to shake things up so is this a decent idea?
the reason chest is there 2x is because i have noticed it responds better to 2x a week where as if i squat or deadlift for 2x a week i dont see gains. i get to exausted.
2008/12/05, 04:11 PM
What about over head pressing and chins/pull ups?
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/12/05, 09:04 PM
i could put that in on wednesday
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2008/12/09, 11:15 AM
Just a thought and take it for what it's worth here....

Your other post was on stagnant gains, mainly bench. Above you commented on how your chest best responds. I think that you need to switch what you're doing. Instead of 2 days a week, go one and change the other to a lot of rows and overhead presses like KA said. Try that for a month and see what happens.
Posts: 69
Joined: 2008/11/12
United States
2008/12/09, 12:10 PM
If your an ecto you should definitely not skimp on reverse grip pullups, facepulls, bent-over rows, shoulder press, side-arm extensions and inclined flies. These help build the "V" that so often elude skinny men.

-always wanting more often gets in the way of living for anything at all-
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United States
2008/12/10, 05:32 AM
I've read a couple of your recent posts and I'm wondering where the heck you're getting your information from. I think you're reading too many bodybuilding magazines. When they say to try increasing the number of reps, they mean like once every 6 to 8 weeks, not all the time. What it sounds like to me is that you need to increase your intensity in the gym and shovel in more food. I'm an ectomorph. I used to consider my self a 'hardgainer'; I am convinced that there is no such thing anymore. My advice: lift some heavy weight. Reps suck. Why on Earth would you want to do 10 sets of 10 on deads? You won't gain much if any. Are you afraid of lifting heavy? If you are, don't be. It's the greatest feeling in the world. Find a program that doesn't involve so many reps and you'll make gains again. Something like deFranco's Westside for Skinny Bastards might be what you need for now. Totally scrap your current program - seriously. Train with the utmost intesity and increase your caloric intake and watch yourself grow.

"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/12/10, 06:26 AM
thnks for the advise ill definatly start doing more rows and presses and jbennett i was thinking about a 5x5
Posts: 1,558
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2008/12/11, 08:41 PM
You'll like this:


"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/12/11, 10:01 PM
looks good think ill try it
Posts: 270
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2008/12/18, 06:11 PM
"I'm an ectomorph. I used to consider my self a 'hardgainer'; I am convinced that there is no such thing anymore."

yup same with me jbennett i started off at 115 5'9", literally skin and bones about 3.5 years ago and i used to try all the "great" routines from Flex and i didn't start to gain weight till i learned about how important nutrition was. now i am bulked up at 215.

Veni,Vidi,Vici.= I came, I saw, I conquered.- Ceasar
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/12/18, 09:16 PM
you almost doubled think you need to get new pics
im bulking now any ideas on how to minimize fat gain as far as cardio i hate it but would it be a good idea or just a hinder to my gains and if so how much should i do?
Posts: 1,558
Joined: 2001/02/28
United States
2008/12/19, 05:46 AM
If you're going through a 'true bulk', you don't need to worry about the fat. Cardio and I have never gotten along very well and we avoid each other as much as possible. If you do plan on doing something, though, I suggest you do sprints. Ever see an Olympic sprinter's legs?

"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/12/19, 11:47 PM
me and cardio dont get along to well ethire thats why i hate it i never gain like i want to when i do it and my strength gains slow i just hate the fat guess ill deal with it now cut it later. cant complain my deadlift went up 10 more pounds this week.
2008/12/21, 09:18 PM
#1 think movements not bodyparts
#2 lift heavy
#3 eat more...imagine a lot of food....ok now eat an extra meal on top...or at least slowly built towards this....little at a time...
#4 stop reading garbage bodybuilding mags
#5 forget about isolation
#6 focus on strength and increase calories steadily
#7 to improve conditioning high intensity aerobic and anaerobic conditioning...ross enamait's infinite intensity is a great book.... check out joel jamieson's site, he also posts on sherdog's conditioning forum as EZA....he's extremely knowledgeable
....basically doing stuff like bw circuits, EDT challenges, 100 burpees, sprints, etc.....'finishers' at the end of your workouts is a great way to do 100 burpees for time ...

i was a skinny guy growing up...5'10 140 in HS...still got the license to prove it...and lifting heavy and focusing on few compound lifts has always got me good gains...