Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Cardio every day

Posts: 84
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2003/11/21, 01:13 PM
I've been working out 4 times/week. Its a split routine. One day upper body, the next lower, with one day off in between. My question is........I've been doing cardio everytime I weight train. My goal is to lose body fat. Should I be doing this differently???

*just wondered after reading the post on bulking up*
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2003/11/21, 01:21 PM
Too much cardio (longer in duration)can actually teach your body to store fat in some places. See, the body as I have mentioned is programmed for survival and does not care you want to burn fat. So, it gets to a point, and says, uh uh, I know what you are doing and will "learn" to store fat in anticapation of the next cardio session. so this is where you need to "fool" your body. Change it up, do HIIT one time, standard cardio another. On standard do a max of 25 min. It is actually best to cardio on off days from weights, will help you recover better on weight training days for building lean mass. At the very least, try to separate the two by 6-8 hours if possible. If you must do it after weight training, make very sure you have your protein drink immediately as you will be in a very catabolic state. (actually eating the muscle you are working so hard to try to build), and this will actually take you backwards because you are burning up your fat burning furnace, muscle.

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2003/11/21, 04:02 PM
So.........I'm doing too much? I warm up for 10 min., weight train, then 20 min. cardio., then stretch.

Can you give me an example? On the days where I weight train, I should still warm up say on the treadmill for 10? sorry......Now I'm confused.......
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2003/11/21, 07:22 PM
bb1 I have a question for ya too ... hehe ;)

My workout on here is telling me to do the following:

Monday - upper body and 25 minutes of cardio
Tuesday - lower body and 25 minutes of cardio
Wednesday - upper body and 25 minutes of cardio
Thursday - lower body and 25 minutes of cardio
Friday - upper body and 25 minutes of cardio

Is that too much? That's what I've been doing and the eating correctly. Well, as correctly as I can. I've been doing it for 3 weeks now and have lost 6 pounds and 9" overall.

I have noticed one thing though ... my throat is sooooooooo soooooooo dry ... Maybe I'm doing too much and not drinking enough water. I think though between the workouts and the vitamins I'm not getting enough water.

I mentioned in another thread that I've always had a problem with drinking enough water anyway. Don't know how these people drink 8 glasses of water a day. lol

Maybe I'll try something like taking a drink of water in between each bite of food and see if that helps. I do take water with me during workouts though.
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2003/11/21, 07:24 PM
Oh, I should probably tell you, I've been doing the cardio in the mornings and the weight training at night. If that matters. Someone on here said it's better to do it that way, so that's what I've been doing.
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2003/11/21, 08:33 PM
THis is much better, but be sure to change it up. Do HIIT sometimes and sometimes standard. Make your HIIT sessions no more than 12-16 min. in duration. Supplement with protein and fats and some fiber following to guard against lean tissue loss and keep the fat burning going.

Quoting from laneylou:

Oh, I should probably tell you, I've been doing the cardio in the mornings and the weight training at night. If that matters. Someone on here said it's better to do it that way, so that's what I've been doing.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2003/11/23, 06:56 PM
I went this weekend without taking the vitamins and my throat is SO much better. I'm going to have to take them every few days instead of every day. It's just too much for me. Or split the vitamins up into 3 pieces or something.
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2003/12/03, 08:21 AM
Wow! I'm still in shock of what you just told them about cardio AFTER weight training. I have a trainer at the gym I attend and they have had me doing my 30 mins weight training THEN 60 minutes cardio after.

So what you are sayin is that this is bad?

( routine consists of weight training Mon, Wed, Frid. 60 mins cardio all five days)
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2003/12/03, 01:04 PM
Think of things this way. What is your best friend in the fat burning arena? Muscle. So, if you work out with weights with any intensity with the purpose of adding lean tissue, you will be in a catabolic state. Cortisol running rampant, right? Now, get on the treadmill for 60 minutes. What do you think is going to happen? Build any muscle? No, you will be putting your body through even more stress, thus more cortisol, thus, good bye any muscle gains. You will burn a buttload of calories true, but a very high portion of them will be lean tissue along with fat. In the long run, you are taking a step forward and 2 steps backward. As I have mentioned many times, you will lose weight yes, but it will be short term. Your long term fix is lean tissue. This is your fat burning furnace that will ALWAYS be with you.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2003/12/03, 01:41 PM
I totally understand what you are saying. I'm in shock. I really am. Better to find out now then later on. Thanks!!

Just one more question for you(I'm learning, I'm learning), can I still do my cardio 4x a week and BEFORE my three day split? Also, what is the best length of time?
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2003/12/03, 05:05 PM
So are you saying to do cardio on non-weight training days, and limit it to a max of 25 min? Should you do that on every non-weight training day or should you have a real day (or two) of rest? Also, what exactly is HIIT and is it safe for someone who is still building a cardio program?

I am only on my second day of the beginner 8-week program, even though I have been doing circuit machines and cardio since June. I had problems with loosing lean mass so I modified my diet last month and started the FT program this month. I actually gained lean mass (8 lbs) and lost fat (2 lbs) last month and I want to keep heading in that direction.

Thanks for your help,

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2003/12/03, 07:57 PM
Larry, HIIT training is High Intensity Inverval Training.

HEre is an example of HIIT cardio.

Warmup at intensity level 5 for 2 minutes.
Intensity level 6 for 1 min.
Intensity level 7 for 1 min.
Intensity level 8 for 1 min.
Intensity level 9 for 1 min.
Back to level 6 for 1 min and then start over.
After the 4th cycle of this you go up to level 10 which is the hardest you can do without getting so winded that you can barely breathe. I usually watch my heart rate on a monitor so that it doesnt get too close to my max heart rate. My max HR is 195. I usually dont go over 172. YOu should be breathin pertty good but still be able to have a broken converstaion. THats how i judge it.

Standard cardio is usually low intensity, at a constant speed or whatever for a duration of time. HIIT is geared at losing fat with minimal to no loss of muscle.

I do cardio on my non weight training days. Mon wed and fri are my cardio days (20 min HIIT on the bike). Tues, Thurs, Sat are my Weight training days. Sunday i dont work out at all (Rest).

Level 5 intensity is about half of the hardest you think u can do an exercise.

Level 6 is a step up from that and so on.

Hope some of this helps. Just take it easy and dont hurt yourself. Better to start off with less than too much intensity and gradually improve.
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2003/12/03, 07:58 PM
tndrkiss4u I addressed your question in your email I believe.

larryg, yes, limit your cardio to about 25, 30 min. max of standard cardio, with a decent heart rate. You can choose to do cardio on each of your days off if you like, depending on your goals, try to mix it up, between different machines and also HIIT.

HIIT is an excellent addition to your cardio regimine. In a short period of time you will burn more total calories in a day than with any long duration cardio. You will pump up your baseline metabolism with the combo of the aerobic as well as the anerobic aspect of HIIT.

Here is a sample HIIT program. This is using the treadmill, or even a track if you prefer. But you can use this protocol on any type of equipment, the stepper, glider, bike, whatever.

Step One: Warm up at about 50 percent for 30 seconds

Step Two: Step it up to 60 percent for 30 seconds

Step Three: Run at a quick pace at 80 percent for 30 seconds

Step Four: go back down to 50 percent for 30 seconds

Step Five: Step this up to 90 percent! for 30

Step Six: Back down to 50 percent for 30

Step Eight: repeat cycle

Maintain for a minimum of 1 cycle, do not continue for more than 18 minutes

And one more thing, congratulations on your tremendous progress. Very cool, adding HIIT should be just the ticket for you.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2003/12/03, 08:00 PM
I guess we were typing at the same time BB1 ;)
Posts: 37
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2003/12/03, 08:09 PM
WOW.... Ok then, Im with larry what exactly is HIIT? Larry how do you know you gained lean mass (8lbs) and lost fat? Im in my 4th week of my program and i have gained 2 pounds. How do I know what it is? Ron I really do love the way you phrase is in such a way that I can understand. It's like I tell people you need to explain like Im a 2 year old LOL Thanks Hun
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2003/12/03, 08:17 PM
Looks like 1 second apart!

Quoting from Firehawk734:

I guess we were typing at the same time BB1 ;)

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2003/12/04, 04:43 PM
One thing though when u say that we should do HIIT at 50 percent and so on what do u mean by 50 percent.
do u mean at 50 percent of the machine intensity level that is if the machine has lets say 12 levels i should put the machine at 6
can someone please clear this for me
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2003/12/26, 11:54 AM
"limit your cardio to about 25, 30 min. max of standard cardio, with a decent heart rate. You can choose to do cardio on each of your days off if you like, depending on your goals, try to mix it up, between different machines and also HIIT"

Does this mean that I do 25, 30 minutes of cardo and add an additionl HIIT workout for up to 18 minutes? 48 minutes total? Ido lots of cardio (5hrs per week) along with weights--some at 85-90% max heart rate (about 1/3 tops), and some at 70%. Im a bit afraid to change.
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2003/12/26, 01:36 PM
No, not on the same day. What I mean is do standard cardio one day or 2, or whatever, but some days throw in HIIT INSTEAD for a variation to keep your body guessing. Doing both the same day is way too much.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2003/12/27, 01:26 PM
Thank you---Ive been doing cardio almopst every day along with a 5 day weight split (toning and weight loss from this site). I do 5-6 hrs of cardio a week (not all hard cardio--usually around 75% with intervals of 85-90%)---have been forever. My legs are so-o-o-o tired. If I kmow I can cut down, stay lean and even add muscle---I will do 3 days of regular cardio for 30 to 40 mins and 2 days of HIIT---along with the weights.

Are you sure I wont get fat? :)
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2003/12/27, 01:27 PM
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2004/01/17, 01:51 AM
Quoting from neovox:

Going just a bit on a tangent here. If my goal is not to loose weight but to achieve progressive gains in tone and mussle, should I bother with any cardio aside from maybe a warm-up in a 4-day training schedule?

No. Cardio is counterproductive if you are on a mass phase. You can have some, but your results will come mainly from weight training. If you want the benefits of both, you can keep your rest periods shorter to keep your heart rate up.

Pain is temporary; glory is forever!
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2003/12/29, 09:49 AM
Hello---Now i'm new to this so please forgive me for my ignorance on the subject, now what i am taking from this is Cardio is bad after weight traning, now what if you do say 30 - 60 minutes of cardio before weight training? would this be any benefit?
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2003/12/29, 04:56 PM
Doing cardio before weight training is even worse. It will deplete needed glycogen stores for achieveing maximum overload with your resistance training session. It is ok to do some light cardio as a warmup before resistance training, but this should be just that, a light warmup, maybe 5 minutes at a very light pace, just to get a bit of blood flowing, not a cardio session.

If you absolutely must do cardio the same day, try to separate it by 6-8 hr. if you can. Even better, opposite days are optimal.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2004/01/05, 11:13 PM
Going just a bit on a tangent here. If my goal is not to loose weight but to achieve progressive gains in tone and mussle, should I bother with any cardio aside from maybe a warm-up in a 4-day training schedule?
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2004/01/16, 09:51 PM
someone mention having a hard time drinking nough water - I found drinking from a water bottle help me increase - most of my glass at home or 12 oz or bigger but the "8 glass" a day is for 8 oz - you might check to see how big your glass is & then compare - I still can drink more from the bottle but I don't know why


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2004/01/16, 11:10 PM
I am normally a healthy eater, but being in the environment that I am currently in had caused me to slack. Once I started eating right, although I was not working out like I should, I noticed that my stomach seemed trimmer(I blamed this pn less bloating) and my legs did seem more muscular. I thought it was just me. After reading your post, it reminded me of the importance of nutrition.
Quoting from larryg:

So are you saying to do cardio on non-weight training days, and limit it to a max of 25 min? Should you do that on every non-weight training day or should you have a real day (or two) of rest? Also, what exactly is HIIT and is it safe for someone who is still building a cardio program?

I am only on my second day of the beginner 8-week program, even though I have been doing circuit machines and cardio since June. I had problems with loosing lean mass so I modified my diet last month and started the FT program this month. I actually gained lean mass (8 lbs) and lost fat (2 lbs) last month and I want to keep heading in that direction.

Thanks for your help,


It's not what we eat or drink occasionally, but what we consume on a daily basis that determines our ongoing level o health.
Not sure of author
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2004/01/17, 11:24 AM
Never forget your cardiovascular health. The heart is a muscle, and needs to be "trained". Do enough cardio to achieve this end, that is all. Remember, as much as we want to gain mass, our overally health is important. If your heart would wear out, you sure won't be gaining any mass then.
Quoting from neovox:

Going just a bit on a tangent here. If my goal is not to loose weight but to achieve progressive gains in tone and mussle, should I bother with any cardio aside from maybe a warm-up in a 4-day training schedule?

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2004/01/17, 03:56 PM
Would you say a minimum for cardio health to be about 20-30 minutes 3 times per week?
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2004/01/18, 12:10 PM
Ahhh ok ... I thought it stood for Hate It It's Tiring? Teheee! Sounded better to me than that stuff you guys came up with. Do I win the game? Teehee. ;)

Thanks for the info Reddy! I've been trying to do that too. I drink more when I drink it from an Evian bottle but not the others. I think it's just shaped better and easier to hold on to. hehe

Dadgummit! This is drivin me nuts! hehehe HELP ME! I'm reading in every magazine and hearing on here then from other people ... I'm confused and dont' know what to do. My training on here says I should do a cardio and weight training each day Monday through Friday. Now I'm hearing it's not good to do both the same day or you have to work out twice in one day WHICH IM NOT DOIN hahahahahahahah! ;) Once is hard enough to get my procrastinating self to do. I haven't been going to the gym like I'm supposed to. I know I know :( I'm hanging my head. I haven't really had time. So in the mornings when I wake up AND right before I go to bed I do squats 'till my legs hurt then I do 5 more and I'm doing 3 sets of 15 scrunches and sets of 15 where I lay on my back and lift my legs. Is that ok with some light cardio every day? Bike riding or treadmill?

Also I'm hearing tons of different things about diets. One magazine will say THE NEW STUDY is that fat is what's making you fat, now they say carbs, then they say sugar, then they say sodium, it's quite confusing. No wonder us Americans are fat? hehehe Well ok, not all of us.

I'm just pretty much going by my diet on here 'cause it seems to be the best mixed and balances out the carbs/proteins fruits/veggies, etc. And the work out seems to be the best. These magazines are really confusing. The same one will have 8 different diets. And no wonder everyone's trying so hard to lose weight that's all you see and hear anymore is America's fat. hehe Have we really gotten that lazy?


Distressed but will be over it in 5 minutes. HAHAHAHA ;)

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2004/01/18, 02:32 PM weight training days. What do you suggest? warm up for five minutes, (by walking around the track perhaps?)then weight train, then stretch? Then the next day, only do cardio?
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2004/02/03, 10:49 AM
Question for bb1 or anyone in the know;

If doing weight training and cardio in the same session, should you have the protein shake right after the weight training and before cardio or right after finishing the session.

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2004/02/04, 03:03 PM
What about cardio after only ab workouts. I do 4 day splits, but on 2 of the 3 days I have off I focus on my abs. That only leaves one day for cardio that isn't a workout day. Is it ok to do cardio directly after all my ab workout? I do all my workouts around 6pm, after my college classes. I am willing to do cardio in the morning on my ab days if it will be more benificial to my goal.
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2004/02/11, 10:41 AM
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2004/02/11, 04:11 PM
The best program is the one the works for you.
I find that splits give me the best results.
As for cardio to lose weight; (the more intense you make it the more calories you will burn)

"Get everthing you want--just make a little change now"
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2004/03/11, 11:13 AM
Man im just as confused now. Im hearing do this do that dont do this. All I want to do right now is lose weight. I just found out that I have sympton x which is basically you inherit high cholestrol and some other crap from your parents. So my doctor says I need to walk 30 minutes everyday to help me lose weight. I also like to lift and he says continue doing that casue of course more muscle helps u burn calories. Well I lift everyday as well around 2:30. I do one body part a day and try to focuse on the different areas. So for instance I work chest on Monday's. I work on the upper, lower, inner and outer areas all the time... 4 exercises. Now after I lift I go home and then eat always..whcih consist of a chicken breast, salad with olive oil and some type of other cooked veggie. At about 5 or so I go and do cardio for an hour. I havent seen results. I started this about 5 weeks ago and my doc said I only lost 6 pounds. I dont really see any muscle change either. So is this because I do my cardio after working out or what. Someone please clarify this and is it wrong to lift everyday one body part?
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2004/04/15, 03:34 PM
Hello everyone, quick question for everyone...I do a standard warm up/cardio before every work out. I mean I meet my max heartrate and spend only like 15 minutes on the treadmill...and I also vary it with HIIT again 15 minutes I work out 6 days a week usually. Is this okay to do along with the weighttraining?? I hate (double underline) cardio? I want to lose weight and understand that cardio has to be there
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2004/04/16, 07:18 PM
Thank you, I have started doing that. And understand that. Was just wondering about the cardio
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2004/07/20, 01:26 PM
to bb1fit: I stopped smoking about 5 mths ago and I gained about 10 pds. I have always been active, but I work and go to school. I have LIMITED time (nights only). I run 30 minutes 3 times a week with a 30-45 min. weight trianing session directly after. I also swim 1 day a week. My goal is to tone and loss that 10 pds. I have been able to either. HELP
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2004/08/02, 01:01 PM
Quick question for anyone: I work out 6 days a week. 3 of those days I work with weights (shoulders and legs day 1, chest and back day 2, arms, butt and abs day 3) and the other 3 are spent on cardio and abs (1 hour of cardio at 65%). Is this too much/ too little cardio? I have a history of heart disease in my family and want the heart healthy benefits of cardio but at the same time would hate to lose the muscle I work hard to build. If this is not the right combo of weights and cardio does anyone have any suggestions?
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2004/08/07, 11:00 PM
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2004/09/02, 01:48 PM
how do I know what is a healthy weight? Will I lose weight just doing cardio and pilates?
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2007/05/17, 05:21 AM
so what's the percent thing with the HIIT program? would someone please help me understand this?
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2008/06/13, 05:33 AM
I am a former college athlete who is trying to make the transition from the tennis court to the office. Since I've stopped playing I've supplemented my time on the court with about 45 minutes of cardio per day ( 3 mile run, 15min on bike, and 15min on an eliptical). I haven't been lifting at all due to being exhausted after cardio. I've read the posts and can see why I've been so tired. My personal workout schedule has me lifting 5times per week. So should I do my cardio 5times per week but in the morning? Or should I decrease my duration or frequency or both. My goal is to maintain my lean build yet also add lean muscle (i don't want to bulk up too much). Thanks and look forward to your reply. -Jmak
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2008/07/25, 12:17 PM

Quoting from laneylou:

Oh, I should probably tell you, I've been doing the cardio in the mornings and the weight training at night. If that matters. Someone on here said it's better to do it that way, so that's what I've been doing.
Does it really matter what time of day you do each time of workout?