Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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YAY! First official 1st Day...

Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/05/12
United States
2007/05/15, 11:25 PM
I finally started my work out routine.. I raelly hope I stay motivated, any one have any idea how I can stay motivated, i REALLY want to stay on track. I feel a little shy when I go to the gym, and I just dont want that to turn me away from the gym. Any advice?
Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/05/16, 09:53 AM
Congratulations zons! I had a hard time staying motivated at first too, but I have learned not to weigh myself, and to take measurements bi-weekly or so. When you start to see the inches coming off and your clothes fitting better, that will be motivation. One of my big goals is to wear my favorite sundress (that I have currently outgrown) to my birthday celebration on June 15. I have hung the sundress on the back of the bedroom door as a constant reminder of why I'm working so hard. I have to admit, I got that idea from the yogurt commercial with the teeny tiny yellow polka dot bikini. ha ha. Set out a photo, or special item that will be a reminder to you of why you are becoming healthy. Don't worry about being shy at the gym. None of the beautiful people you see there were born that way. Everyone has to start somewhere! Once you get going and get to knowing the people there, you will be amazed at how friendly and supportive they are. Good luck to you, and be sure to keep coming back to this site. It's an amazing source of support too!
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2007/05/16, 07:26 PM
Zons welcome to FT and congrats on your first day I hope it was a great one!

As far as motivation goes, this site has many motivations, just read some of the members profiles, posts, motivational threads, check out pics of where they've were and are now.

As fr as the shyness at the gym, I know how you feel, I was that way when I first started out. I knew that if I didn't grasp hold of that intimidation it would get the best of me so I went in like I owned the place after that and showed the iron who was boss. That is all it took, walk in with that head high and smiling girl, you can do it!

:)Good luck and let us know how it is going.


"Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open." - Lord Thomas Dewar
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/05/12
United States
2007/05/17, 12:31 AM
Thank you very much for your comment, i really appreciate the good advise, I Definately have things that inspire me, but for some reason I seem to let go of those things,and thats how i fall of the wagon. I am trying my best to not do the same this time. My main goal is to be healthy and lose about 40 lbs my August. I KNOW i can do IT...!...?

Quoting from amyksmith76:

Congratulations zons! I had a hard time staying motivated at first too, but I have learned not to weigh myself, and to take measurements bi-weekly or so. When you start to see the inches coming off and your clothes fitting better, that will be motivation. One of my big goals is to wear my favorite sundress (that I have currently outgrown) to my birthday celebration on June 15. I have hung the sundress on the back of the bedroom door as a constant reminder of why I'm working so hard. I have to admit, I got that idea from the yogurt commercial with the teeny tiny yellow polka dot bikini. ha ha. Set out a photo, or special item that will be a reminder to you of why you are becoming healthy. Don't worry about being shy at the gym. None of the beautiful people you see there were born that way. Everyone has to start somewhere! Once you get going and get to knowing the people there, you will be amazed at how friendly and supportive they are. Good luck to you, and be sure to keep coming back to this site. It's an amazing source of support too!
Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/05/18, 11:45 AM
Sounds like your motivation is high, and you are set to go. Be careful about the goals that you set. A healthy weight loss is around 1-2 pounds per week. 40 lbs. by August sounds like an awful lot. Remember that your main priority should be health, not weight. Be patient, the weight will come off, and the slower it does, the more long term the success will be. :)