Group: Beginners to Exercise

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No spotter at home

Posts: 176
Joined: 2003/01/10
United States
2003/01/20, 08:15 PM
I am doing my work-outs at home to get a good start before I join a gym. My main question is about having a spotter. None of my friends are into lifting, and even if they were, I train during the day while they are at work.

So at any rate, my bench has those welded holds for the back rest bar to do incline/decline bench presses.. If I get into trouble, do you think those could hold the bench bar if I can't get it up to the regular resting spot?

I use an MPEX Powerhouse 750 with a standard Olympic bar and up to 100 extra pounds for my reps.
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/01/20, 10:04 PM
Your first goal is saftey. I would train just short of failure, and wait till I join a gym for the spotter. Good safe.

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
Posts: 176
Joined: 2003/01/10
United States
2003/01/20, 11:58 PM
Thanks for all your help bb1fit. I have just read and heard that the last couple reps up until failure give you the best results. But you're right, safety should be first.
I am just excited at the gains I've already made in the past couple months and want to excel to my full potential! =)
It's nice that things are now becoming a habit. Like if I'm too sore to work out after 2 days I feel like something is missing in my day. Kinda like smoking used to be for me. I am glad I quit smoking, and exercise is helping me to make new habits to take it's place. Thanks again for all your advice.
Posts: 196
Joined: 2002/11/20
United Kingdom
2003/01/21, 02:26 AM
The gym I’m at does not play music that I need to train, I use headphones but this makes it hard to keep my focus and communicate with a spotter (especially as like you non of my friends lift so it would just be a random person). So what I do for bench press is strip sets, I know I am safe but its still tiring to do 4 reps 100kg, then 4 reps 90kg, then 4 reps 80kg I then rest, starting again at 90kg do the same only going down to 70kg, and for the final set start at 80kg and go down to the bar. As I don’t have a break in between the weight drops my arms get more and more tired, this allows me to put more do more work safely. You might try a similar routine – hope this helps.