Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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Posts: 266
Joined: 2001/06/25
United States
2001/07/05, 12:16 PM
I would like some input from the more experienced here on what they did to stay motivated when they first began. I am surrounded by couch potatoes and have a lack of REAL support. I am trying to get others in my household hyped about fitness and it is slow coming. I am not used to taking care of my own needs so staying motivated and investing in me is quite a struggle. What advise can you give me that helped you to stay motivated. I work out at home and run my business from my home so it is not like I have a whole lot of outside contact. What do you suggest?
Sincere thanks in advance.
Posts: 1,558
Joined: 2001/02/28
United States
2001/07/05, 05:13 PM
My motivation is a picture of myself before I started working out. I never want to look like that again, so I do what I can to get bigger. I also post pictures of bodybuilders in my workout room (yes, I workout at home too) of what I want my physique to look like. Full-length mirrors in your workout room are a plus, so you can compare your old pic to the 'new you'. That's just me; different things work for different people.
Posts: 144
Joined: 2001/05/27
United States
2001/07/06, 05:49 PM
Also use your out of shape friends as motivation. Do you want to look like them? (guessing they are not muscular) Are you single? You will start to notice being noticed, more and more each week! -snow
Posts: 266
Joined: 2001/06/25
United States
2001/07/06, 06:05 PM
I just have to reply...I am not single and I don't have any friends. I am too busy with my business and kids. But, that would be a good suggestion if I was in that position.
Posts: 338
Joined: 2001/05/23
United States
2001/07/11, 07:00 AM
Be diligent about following FT's program; hang photos of buff folks where you can see them daily. Remember that you have a goal and you are going to set an example for the "couch potatoes!!