Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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I'm new, please help me...

Posts: 5
Joined: 2003/01/12
United States
2003/01/24, 12:28 AM
Ok, heres the deal. I am 18 years old and I am pretty skinny being 6' tall and weighing 140 pounds. I have a six pack but its not very toned and the bottom 2 "packs" seem to be disapearing no matter what I do. I have been doin atleast 10 pushups everynight for a year and in the past week i have done 52 everynight but my chest still isnt very strong looking. I have also been running 1 mile every night for the past 4 days (just got a treadmill)

My questions are, what are the quickest ways to get a toned six pack and a decent sized chest?? Will protein shakes help? If I drink 1 protein shake a day, how much exercise should I do to see the results?

Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2003/01/24, 01:48 AM
The quickest way? Weight training! Heavy weights, stop running that much (take too much energy) and start eating A LOT more (you're skinny!)

You got a gym nearby?

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
Posts: 196
Joined: 2002/11/20
United Kingdom
2003/01/24, 01:58 AM
OK you need to exercise until you can feel it stretching your limits, if you can easily do 10 push ups then when you do them your body is not going to think it needs more muscle there. If you don’t want to try weights the do 3reps to failure for the push-ups. Also consider elevating your feet (say resting them on a chair) this will make the push-ups harder (you will lift more of your body weight) so the results will come through faster. The 52 a night sounds more like what you need to be doing only you won’t see much difference after a week. The results should happen after a few weeks of training, though if you compare your progress every day it will take longer for you to see it, just because you will grow accustomed to the small changes made every day.

Running is good overall exercise, and I would keep doing it and pushing your limits on it. However it dose burn up lots of calories, and as you sound like an ectomorph (basically naturally low fat, find it hard to gain mass) I would suggest eating more. This is not a suggestion to start gorging on fast food, it is better to eat a higher calorific value of healthy foods than a lower one of bad foods. And try to eat 5-6 timers a day with protein in every meal; if you don’t eat the protein you can’t put the muscle on. Protein shakes only provide this protein in an easily accessible form; just eating more meat, fish, eggs, tofu ect in your diet is better at your stage of training. If you want to speed things up try going to the gym one or twice a week or investing in a set of weights, its amazing what you can do with a set of dumbbells (if you do try to go for metal weights and spin lock collars).

Finally the lower ab’s are always hard to train, try to train them first with things like leg raises. Though for faster results do a more varied training routine, try signing up for a the free trainers exercise program and ab program (its free and can be got to by the from the yellow menu across the top of your screen). Oh and fill your profile out, (just cut and pasting the info from this post will do for a start) and good luck.
Posts: 5
Joined: 2003/01/12
United States
2003/01/24, 11:24 AM
So, If I eat tons of protein and keep doing what i'm doing, 55 push-ups, 3 sets of 10 second leg lifts, 45 sit-ups, and running a mile every night, I should get results?? It seems like all I eat is junkfood but I am still skinny. Oh yeah, u cant see my six pack unless I flex a little and I want that to change!!

Thanks again guys!!

whats up? I am an 18 year old male, i'm 6 feet tall and I weigh 140 pounds. My goal is to become more toned and look extra good if i ever see that cheatin bitch again. LOL
Posts: 5
Joined: 2003/01/12
United States
2003/01/24, 11:25 AM
oh yeah, and I drink 8 glasses of water everyday, infact, i drink NOTHING but water. good or bad?
Posts: 5
Joined: 2003/01/12
United States
2003/01/24, 11:34 AM
oh yeah, i actually weigh 144, if that makes any difference. LOL, I know i'm skinny but i seem to be gaining weight pretty fast now and its kind of scaring me.

whats up? I am an 18 year old male, i'm 6 feet tall and I weigh 140 pounds. My goal is to become more toned and look extra good if i ever see that cheatin bitch again. LOL