Group: Health Supplements

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 101, Messages: 16613

Supplements can be a great aid with your health and fitness goals. Combined with the proper exercise and nutritional plan they can be quite effective.

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2007/10/08, 01:27 PM

6 foot


lean/slim build

WORKOUT: 3 exercise per a muscle group

Mon- Bicep and Chest

Tue- Tricep and Shoulder

Wed- All back muscles

Thur- Quads, Hams, Calves, Glutes

Also, after each work out i run 30 mins on the eliptical on a cardio cycle, plus 3 sets of 50 bike crunches, 3 sets of 25 3inch-6inch leg raises, 3 sets of 50 full crunches with feet restrained.

Diet: Eat as much as possible, protien bars every day, always chicken, no fast food

I have been on this sustained program for 3 months now and have flatlined in the weight gain. I was wondering what the best supplement to take to for weight gain, energy, and rapid muscle repair?

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2007/10/08, 01:38 PM
If you're trying to gain weight, you must have a caloric surplus, which has to be hard to do if you top off your workout with a 30 minute run.

Stop the eliptical. If you must run, do some sprints. Also, cut your ab work volume down. Instead of doing so many reps, try doing weighted or more challenging exercises.

Are you doing big, compound lifts like squats and deadlifts? If not, start.

Supplement wise, protein is a must. Creatine is also a good idea. I'm assuming your goal is to gain muscle rather than just "weight."

* Don't listen to dumbass advice like "Eat 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before going to bed." And I would advise not listening to anyone who thinks they're a know-it-all. Do some reading and research, and WORK HARD.

That's my 2 cents.

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.
--Vince Lombardi
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2007/10/08, 09:28 PM
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2007/10/09, 01:16 PM
If you aren't gaining weight then you are not eating enough. That is it. It is that simple. You can tell me all day that eat a ton, but if the scale is not moving then you need to eat a ton + 1.

Some people find it hard to eat as much as they need. For those people I recommend eating nuts One serving is like 200+ calories and a serving is pretty small. You could also start drinking a protein shake.

Supplements for energy. Do you feel run down? I will drink a cup of coffee sometimes before I workout if I need a little kick.

rapid muscle repair - muscle will take as long as it need to repair. Sleep is the best supplement. I also take a boat load of BCAA. Creatine also help with recovery.

What does your routine look like. You posted your split, but what exercises and rep ranges are you doing. You need a health dose of squat, deads, rows, and presses to really pack on size.

Posts: 8
Joined: 2007/10/08
United States
2007/10/09, 11:12 PM
im limited on my work out supplies. No free weights : (

heres where i am right now:(ALL REPS OF 10 AND SETS OF 3)

butterfly press machine-90-100-110

bicep curl machine- 70-80-90

chest press machine- 160-170-170(170 is max on machine)

bicep cable curl single 40-40-40

cable incline chest on bench 40-50-60(per handle)

shoulder press machine 110-120-120

tricep pull down cable single 40-40-40

single strait arm cable shoulder raise 20-20-20

over head cable skull crushers single 40-50-50

single cable shoulder press 50-50-50
Posts: 8
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United States
2007/10/09, 11:13 PM
i will post my back numbers and leg numbers as the day comes
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2007/10/11, 08:37 AM
Screw the lifts for the moment, how many calories do you eat per day? I would recommend you eat at least 3,000. And make sure you're getting enough protein.
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2007/10/11, 04:52 PM
Oh, and I think you need to join a new gym.
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2007/10/28, 11:12 AM
I was you 20 years ago. Now at 223 lbs. Lift heavy low reps. No less than 6 , No more than 10. Expect 7 lbs of muscle a year. Your body will crave food. If your bench press gets stronger, this means your muscle gets bigger. Bigger muscle means heavier. I do the big three Bench press , squats , tbar rows. You will get big. It will just take years.
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2008/02/18, 03:02 PM
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2008/02/18, 04:01 PM
Thank you for your agreement.
Posts: 4
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United States
2008/02/19, 06:16 PM
Tried to gain for years with no success until recently. Uped my caloric intake from 1800 a day to 3450 a day went from 131 with 9.2% body fat to 139 with 8.1% body fat in 12 weeks. If your body is not used to it, eating can be as hard as working out.
Posts: 19
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2009/01/28, 11:23 PM
how bout leg workouts??? it's the biggest muscle group you have so by build those and you will gain!!! also, lifting in your legs(or any group) releases hormones in your body to grow everywhere...everyone seems to skip leg day, but legs and back are probably the most important to gaining size and growing the whole body.