Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Hardgainer, wants to gain 15-20 lbs

Posts: 1
Joined: 2002/11/14
United States
2002/11/14, 08:11 PM
Well Last week I weighted in at 130, 5'8, I looked on line and got some tips from different sites on how I should go about my goal. Here is what I take and how much i workout
I take Soy protien, and Cell-Tech, I also eat like there is no tommorow. I use 10, 20, and 30 lb dumb bells. I spread my workouts to isolate different muscles, should i do that or do compound workouts?
So far im at 138 right now, is that good or bad, should i be getting better results? My goat is to be around 145-150
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2002/11/14, 11:14 PM
Compound exercises are much better for what you want to do. Save the isolation stuff for much later. Compound exercises will build the entire muscle body, and you can use heavy weights. Heavy weights are the key to growth, intice the muscle with overload. Think to yourself, if you do 20 reps of isolation curls with a 20 lb. dumbell, you will get a pump probably. But will you grow from it? No, it is not enough weight to overload the muscle, you are instead fatiguing it. No growth will occur from this. Now take an EZ curl or straight bar and load it up with the maximum amount of weight you can do for 6-9 reps, and you have achieved muscle overload. Do this again for 3 sets, and you will achieve growth so long as you are supplying the proper nutrients. Eating like there is no tomorrow may make the scale go up eventually, but probably not with weight you want. You need to eat alot for sure, but in proper ratios of protein, carbs, and fats. And there are more opportune times for different eating too. A good workout plan for you if you are just starting out would be a 3 day full body workout with heavy, compound exercises. After about 4-8 weeks of this, you can go to a 4 day split. Hope all this helps. Really hard to answer all your questions in depth in this short space. Others will weigh in and help out. You are in a great place to acheive the help and goals you are looking for.
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2002/11/14, 11:52 PM
With regards to your protien intake, you should switch to a whey protien,this is much more effective and better quality.
Alos like bb1 said good diet is very important, it is 85% of the success. Cottage cheese, chicken, tuna, egg whites also good natural sources of protein (the muscle builder)!
Good luck and welcome to freetrainers.

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