Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

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HARDCORE BODYBUILDER? answer this ....

Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2001/08/19, 02:27 AM
hey big boys...

ok i gota question for you guys and i want every one who is readin this to plz leave a reply i want to know that why did you yo, started to workout and planed to get big...

was it cause you wanted to get the chix? or was it cause after you tried it you got your selfconfedence, or was it cause after each time you work out you feel so good that you want to punch the wall...

me myself i started to work out cause i was skinny... i have gained 20 pounds and that 20 pounds gave me a lot of confedence about myself...

doesn't just feel good when you talk to people and you notice that they are checkin you out .. like they start lookin at your chest and ARMS ? hehe i love it when i see that but after a while of workin out my motivation to keep this up was my selfconfedence and good feelings when you look at the mirror...

tell me whats up ... tell me what do you think....


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United States
2001/08/19, 09:11 AM
At my old job, I sat behind a computer all day and drank Mt. Dew to keep myself awake. The combination of no activity and too much sugar started giving me a body that I didn't want. So, I decided to change it. I've always been skinny, but now even people I don't know are asking me where I work out. Its good for my confidence. As for the chicks - well, I'm already married.
Posts: 7
Joined: 2001/08/07
United States
2001/08/19, 01:09 PM
Well bud my reasoning was something different. I started when I was in the service and decided I wanted to try out for SF so I started lifting and I saw that I gained mass pretty quick and so did the guys in the gym. So one thing lead to another with the help of some very large individuals and just telling myself I can be that big and maybe one day bigger. So far so good but as for the Chicks well lets just say it doesnt hurt. lol I have also ran into a few ladies who dont like the big and the buff, to each their own I guess.
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Joined: 2001/04/03
2001/08/19, 04:44 PM
I used to be a very good Basket Ball player, I was the best in my neighbourhood, although I was kinda too young.then,I had a whole year of concentrated studying, usually I would sit on my desk for more than 3 hours with all junk food I needed to keep me alert. After that year of hell, my body was crap. I decided to workout just to get back into shape on the courts.
I didnt want to depend on my coach whom later I realised that he knew nothing about bodybuilding, so I depended on books and magazines, and after merely two months I set a new goal, which is to be a pro bodybuilder. About chiks... I never really had problems in getting them before working out, and I think nothing changed after that.
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Joined: 2000/11/27
2001/08/19, 07:01 PM

im my case - it is to better myself. I could care less what anybody thinks of me.. I train in a sweater when I easily have one of the best physiques in the gym. It's all about setting goals.. dedication and self-reward for me. I also am an amateur bodybuilder - planning my road to the pro ranks.

.o0 Arnold 0o.
Posts: 213
Joined: 2001/04/23
United States
2001/08/21, 11:02 AM
I currently sit at a desk 10 hours a day, four days a week so I am itchin to get to the gym M-TH. I like seeing the progress and increase in what I can accomplish. I lift with plenty of guys who are bigger and stronger, but they had to have a starting point. Like you Sean, I was a skinny kid. At 14 I weighed about 95 pounds. Now I'm 24 and weight 160 and my goal is 190. It's tough with a busy life, but ANYTHING is possible!!!!
Posts: 25
Joined: 2001/10/12
United States
2001/10/23, 11:25 PM
I'm training for my first bodybuilding competion! I have 3 weeks to go and am nervous about getting my fat down enough with out losing the muscle I have, I know I'll lose some (hopefully very little) but I'm already very small 107,5'2,12-13%body fat, will I be able to get down to atleast 8% in the time I have without looking too skrawny!!?
Posts: 12
Joined: 2001/07/20
United States
2001/08/29, 08:11 PM
Hey Sean,

I am 36, at 35 I was a balding, overweight (220lbs), mess. I had been very athletic in high school, lifted weights, practiced martial arts but from the time I got married and had kids, slowly I let myself go. Over the course of time I realized I was falling apart. I am only 5'8" so my weight was pretty high relative to my height, my pants were pushing beyond the 36" range and I was just not feeling good about myself.

The final straw was running into an old friend who didn't recognize me and when they finally did, couldn't believe how I had changed. My wife said she was starting a diet and challenged me to loss more weight then her before our upcoming vacation. She taunted me (lovingly) and said I had no displine, that I like ice cream too much and had not chance of beating her.

This year I went through a true metamorphasis. Let's just say, I now have a full head of hair, I have lost 35 lbs of fat and have bulked up bigger then I have ever been. My waist went from 36" - 32". With each milestone I hit I drive harder to the next one. My diet is displined, my workouts 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day and now when I run into people they can't believe they didn't recognize me (now for a good reason). When I started bench pressing I was doing 4 sets of 8 with about 135. Now I do the same sets with 265. My progress was very dramatic and motivated me to continue on and I haven't looked back.

I have received alot of encouragement from people and are constantly explaining my habits now. My wife and I both support each other and she made the same committment to working out.

Posts: 6
Joined: 2001/09/04
United States
2001/08/30, 10:48 AM

A few years ago I had a break-up which messed me up pretty bad. At the time, I was 210 lbs, no real muscles, and a beer belly. My waist was 36". Well, I lost 35 lbs due to the "depression diet" and suddenly realized I had a chance to make a change. I started working out, and now feel better about myself, back to a 32" waist. The self-confidence I gained was amazing. I'm in a great place physically- better now at 29 than when I was 22- and emotionally. There's no way I can imagine going back to that lifestyle.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2001/08/30
United States
2001/08/30, 05:31 PM
IM new here but I have been lifting since high school...just a natural progression I guess. I started out thinking that I would be a profesional bodybuilder.. but I am not now I use it as stress management. I have a goal of being 250lbs solid mass... yes that alot I know...I now weigh 290 ... I have been on a mass program for the last 10 weeks and now Im on my diet program... so I have about 40lbs to loose ... I have already lost 10lbs in 3 weeks so all is on track.....
Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2001/09/04, 01:57 AM
glad to hear that andy...

isn't just great when you see results and does't feel so right when you look in the mirror? ...

Good luck to you bro..


Posts: 22
Joined: 2001/11/08
United States
2001/10/15, 09:37 AM
well i was never a skinny guy. i was the opposite a fat guy!!! so in order to slim down and get leaner i knew i had to put on some good muscle mass. over the past six years or so i've done pretty well with that. and oh yeah, it helps with the chix too.
Posts: 120
Joined: 2001/07/26
United States
2001/11/02, 03:40 PM
I just loved the feeling of power at first. I wanted to be the best and now that I am one of the biggest bodybuilders my age, it gives me motivation to keep it up. I want to stay the biggest, strongest and most muscualar. I always want the advantage and even when I don't feel like working out, I worry about what other guys my age are doing to get big, so I get my lazy a$$ to the gym. That's my take of it :).
Posts: 14
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/06, 05:00 PM
I do it cause i love to work out and i like to see the gains that i get, but true my confidence has gone up, and what can i say the ladies are more around then they used to be. Now my challenge is to go through and get the body i want the six pack, not the keg i had, the legs, the chest, and my big ass shoulders i use to have. I was a big boy once, 240@5'10 cut. now im 220 and almost back to where i was, taking 6months of was a good thing, but also was bad too, lost some size, but good thing muscle has memmory.