Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 968, Messages: 18927

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exercise at home

Posts: 7
Joined: 2011/02/06
South Africa
2012/01/28, 01:43 AM
i have a pull bar, ab wheel and heavy punching bag. how can i use these for full body work out - tone and loose weight around middle.

Posts: 789
Joined: 2000/12/01
2012/01/28, 07:15 AM
Hi Kallie, welcome to FreeTrainers.

First, it's impossible to "choose" where fat will come off from - the human body simply doesn't work this way. Fat will come off your body based on your genetics and usually evenly. You just have to stick with it until the area you want to see improvement in get to the point you want.

I would suggest for a full body workout that you pick up a pair of dumbbells which go for $5 to $10 and setup our free home training plans. There are 3 levels of difficulty so find the one that best suits you. You can also use household items such as food cans.

With regards to what you have right now, you can cycle them circuit training-wise. So a set of pull ups following by a set of ab wheel followed by a timed round of the punching bag, perhaps 90 seconds. Then take a 60 second break and do the cycle again. Key is to keep your heart rate up and really burn those calories.

Short, quick and intense workouts is the key if you're looking to shed the fat.

Welcome to FreeTrainers and keep us posted on your results!
Posts: 7
Joined: 2011/02/06
South Africa
2012/01/29, 10:01 AM
tx. will invest in a pair of dumdbells.