Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Training regimen

Posts: 4
Joined: 2003/01/12
United States
2003/01/20, 08:16 PM
Hello to all,
I have been training for about 3 months. I workout about 5 days a week. Usually 30min of cardio, either treadmill or eliptical trainer, followed by an hour to an hour and a half of weight training. I generally will do arms one day, chest and shoulders the next day, followed by legs on the third day and repeat this routine. I do 200 ab crunches every day on the machine. I'm sure this is probably not the most ideal system, so I was hoping for a little guidance from some of the vets out there. Many Thanks.
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/01/20, 10:00 PM
First I would do your stength training first, then do cardio. Doing cardio first will rob you of strength with your weights. If you have 5 days to work out, I would split some of your training up, that way you can put more intensity into each muscle group you work. For instance, do legs day 1, chest and triceps day 2, day 3 just cardio, Shoulders and abs day 4, back and biceps day 5. You may throw in 20 minutes of cardio after a couple of these sessions if you like. Do 3 exercises per body part, a total of 9-12 sets. You are doing way too many crunches. Work your abs like any other muscle, no more than twice per week with resistance. This type of a workout will not only enable you to put more intensity into each body part as mentioned, but also give each part more rest/recouperation time. A win/win situation.

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!