Group: Running

Created: 2012/01/02, Members: 197, Messages: 67

Everything and all you need to know about beginning, training, eating, injury rehabilitation for running.

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Sore knees

Posts: 7
Joined: 2012/02/21
2012/02/26, 03:32 PM
My knees have been getting really achey after i run, any suggestions on how i can prevent this?
Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/06/26
United States
2012/06/26, 04:21 PM
I have the same issue.  I used to be an advant runner but since I developed Ostreoarthritis my running has come to a hault. 
What do I do because I'm depressed.  Running gave me a sense of freedom and satisfaction.
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2012/06/29, 09:46 AM
Running is a hard cardio workout that has the biggest impact on our legs and back, unfortunately there isn't really much that can help that, but here are a few things to consider "softening" the blow to your knees, etc.

Terrain - try running on a softer terrain, like dirt trails, school tracks forest trails...this heavily decreases the impact on your knees versus running on concrete or asphalt where there is no give.

Knee braces - these work great in supporting your knees by keep them in place while running.  Neoprene has always worked best for me and i've loved the Body Glove brand most.

Supplements - Glucosamine works really well on knee soreness, but will take a couple of weeks to actually feel the difference. Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate.  This is very important especially if you are continuously increasing your miles.

Icing - after your runs, try icing your knees for about 10-15 minutes this will help decrease the swelling.

Running Shoes/Form - This weighs heavy on everything you do in running.  If you are not supporting your foot properly and running in the correct form, it can heavily impact not you your knees, but shins, feet, back, everything. I would suggest reading the thumbtacked articles on how to choose running shoes here in this group.  This will help you trememdously.  Here are the links to both parts 1 and 2:

If after trying all of these and you are still feeling a constant soreness, you might want to get a check up with the doctor to make sure everything is okay.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2014/10/29
United States
2014/11/03, 04:00 PM
Knee pain can be caused by a few things. I had a sore knee a little while ago, but I found out it was caused from a tightened IT band. How to solve this? Strengthen my thighs, knees, glutes & core. Also, I'm working on more flexibility which is what caused my problem in the first place. Everyone's problems/injuries are different, this is just my experience. Cheers!
Posts: 42
Joined: 2014/12/25
United States
2014/12/31, 01:10 AM
My knees have been getting really achey after i run, any suggestions on how i can prevent this?


Take glucosamine tablet. It helps in cushioning joints.