Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2002/12/16, 11:41 AM
Ok this kinda ties into my old post "going thru the motions". I was thinking the other day again why some fail and others reach their goals. I did a quick mental survey and found a tie in. There are, for the most parts, two kinda of weightlifters ( I use that term for all male and female exercisers). One is the person that comes in and has a plan. The other is that person that comes in with out one. I know that diet, sleep and drinking water is along with cardio is vital. However, with out the weights that is useless. Now of those two people, who makes the gains/reaches goals? Of course the one with the plan. I mean that we have all seen, or been the other got in to the gym day in and day out and never seem to move along towards your goals. You eat ok, drink water, do the cardio. Then why do you not see the same movement as the other? This is for one reason are not taking a step. Now the title of this is baby steps. I gave it that cause I feel that is how we succeed in the gym. By taking small reachable steps. That is not to say that you do not make and reach larger goals, but all the people I have seen including myself that have reached a goal is by small measured steps. Those that do not take any steps, indeed those that take too large of a step fail. By not taking a step you of course do not move, and by taking too large of one you move to fast. Those of us that have been around this long enough remember what Jan 1 brings every year to the gym. Those "new year resolutions" members. While a small number of those will stick to it, most do not. Why? Because they want FAST results. They are afraid to take the baby steps and deal with the fact that this is a slow process. We see it all the time here, "how can I gain/loose fast? what do I take (I hate that one)etc". Those that have made a personal record in a lift(bench)or ran a race etc, what was the way they made tht goal? by baby steps. Slowly adding weight over a length of time, or increase the distance they ran, is how it was done, not by taking a pill or some such to get a fast gain. In fact there is not such thing in my opinion. Anyway hope this made some sense, just take that step wahtever it is, that is the only way to reach that goal!
