Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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help needed

Posts: 8
Joined: 2002/11/09
2002/11/14, 08:10 PM
I am almost new in workout. I just started last week.
I have two problems.
First, I do my workout at home with free weights and in my routine I have some exercises that needs a bar at the top to do some of the exercises (e.g. Wide Grip Chins to front). What can I do?
Second, My left bicep is smaller than my right bicep (1 inch). any solutions?
I dont eat much. So do I have to take protein suppliments.

thanks guys,
Posts: 8
Joined: 2002/11/09
2002/11/14, 08:11 PM
by the way I forgot to add. I am male. 5 ft 6 and 125lb. and I am a righty.....:)
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2002/11/14, 08:41 PM
question 1....You may have to substitute for the chins. They are for the back, so some other back exercises will help. Bent over rows, rear lateral raises, and upright rows should hit most of the back area for you. For question is not unusual for one bicep to be somewhat smaller than the other, but one inch is pretty out of the ordinary. Try some heavy isolation curls with the smaller side, but still keeping your regular bicep exercises so you don't lose in your strong side. Question 3..Yes, you need protein for any chance of growth. Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 gr. per lb. bodyweight. Protein is what your muscles are, without feeding them what they need, no growth. And you need to eat enough carbs too. You can do all the lifting in the world, without proper nutrition, your gains will be pretty much zilch.
Posts: 8
Joined: 2002/11/09
2002/11/15, 06:19 AM
Thanks bb. Now I feel that I am in the right place. Now I have another question is about the strength. I am not a very strong guy! Say for biceps I can do 12/15 reps with 15lb (dumbell). Is it Ok!

And from the discussion I found out that rather than doing 20 reps with 10lb - it is useful to do 12 rep with 15 or 20. So no more 20 reps from now on!

And what do u mean by "heavy isolation curls "?

thanks a lot man.....

Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2002/11/15, 04:52 PM
Do what ever you are comfotable with. We all start somewhere
and if 15 works for you, go for it.

To change it, or to create it, simply train it!

Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2002/11/15, 06:07 PM
Carivan is right. Everyone has to start somewhere. I remember when I first started, I was using the "shiny chrome" weights in the corner. I couldn't wait to get to the olympic bars. YOur strength will come. Heavy isolation curls are just this, if you don't have access to a preacher curl bench, even over a straight bench, just use the one arm and do curls with a weight that is heavy enough that you can only get about 10 or less reps with. Even tucked into your knee will work. Isolation means isolating that muscle from all others. Good luck...