Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Seated Twists

Posts: 31
Joined: 2001/12/27
2001/12/30, 01:46 AM
I've been looking at the instructions for the seated twits and I can't quite figure them out. If someone has a more detailed explanation than what is provided by Free Trainers I would appreciate that. The thing which I really don't understand is where the arms go and how the bar/broomstick works. Also, is it performed sitting on something, or just from the position as in the squats?
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2001/12/30, 03:57 AM
Let's see if I can explain it better. Actually the twist exercises are excellent to work and tone your waist, but of course you have to know to do it correctly.

First, you'll have to "block" the lower body, so in the beginning it's easier to sit down, so you wont be concentrating about contracting your leg muscles as well.

You have to tighten your abs, and you'll feel the stretching as well.

Was that okey?
You sit down, the broom behind your back on your lats (not your neck) The arms don't really do anything but holding the broom. Now use your abdominal muscles and make your upper body twist from side to side.
Posts: 203
Joined: 2001/12/09
United States
2002/01/01, 11:36 PM
I usually just do them sitting down or on my knees. I put anything behind my back to help twist further. That is why you use a broom stick. It helps to let your body twist further than without support of some type of stick-formed structure.
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2002/01/04, 07:13 AM
I have been doing these...I feel like I am not doing anything. I only feel a stretching as I move to the side. Is that it on this one? Thats why I never did them in the past.
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/01/04, 07:58 AM
Oh this is my favorite exercise for the waist..... You have to feel the burning and not only the stretch Itroisi. When twisting contract the abs: twist contract-relax the abs-twist to the other side contract.
When I say relax I don't mean stopping the movement, just relax the abs for one second before contracting again.

This exercise is genius, but it's true that not many people know how to do it right....
Posts: 764
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United States
2002/01/04, 08:23 PM
Thanks I'll keep twistin'!
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Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/01/05, 03:28 AM
You know ltroisi, things that work for some people don't always work for others......
I love the broom twist exercise, but maybe you'll be better with twisting crunches....
Try and you'll see.
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2002/01/05, 07:34 AM
I will give this on a try for a month or two. I really feel the hanging ab bringing the knees to the side so between the two I should be in good shape.
Posts: 361
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United States
2002/01/05, 11:03 AM
Another helpful hint: Be sure you keep your head facing forward while your twisting. And make the twist a long steady motion instead of a quick swinging motion. You really have to learn your body and the only way to do that is keep doing them until you figure out which way will work best for you. Don't worry you will know when you figured it out.

Posts: 31
Joined: 2001/12/27
2002/01/06, 02:18 AM
how is it when performed from seiza?
Posts: 4,078
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2002/01/06, 03:04 PM
Not only twisting your waist but twisting your neck as well Bill? lol Well if it works for you....... (o:
Posts: 361
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United States
2002/01/07, 08:20 AM
Philia2, the proper way is to keep your head looking forward. Every reference I've ever read refers you to do that. Did you read freetrainers description? LOL! well, if turning your head works for you keep on doing it.

Posts: 764
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United States
2002/01/06, 03:04 PM
ok Nina I did these today I concentrated on contracting and yes i felt it more. I just got to get the breathing proper.
Posts: 4,078
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2002/01/08, 02:51 AM
The breathing controls this exercise.
Posts: 361
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United States
2002/01/08, 11:16 AM
I agree Philia2, Breathing is an important part for all ab exercises.

Posts: 764
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United States
2002/01/08, 10:14 PM
well I think I finally got it together. I need to change the position of my upper body a fraction and that made the difference. And the breathing. Thanks all!!!!!!
Posts: 31
Joined: 2001/12/27
2002/01/09, 03:55 AM
Those are hard ones to do right, not half as hard as the other ab ones to do, but I'm sure I'm getting something wrong, just not sure what.