Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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2 Days a Week Total Body Workout

Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/07/10
2008/07/10, 09:06 AM

What a great web site you have. It is truly a treasure to find it!

I would like advice on my workout routine.

I am a district manager and travel 5 days a week, leave 6am Monday mornings and return Friday evenings.
52 years old
good health

The territory I manager is the entire Atlantic Canada provinces and there is no chain gym I can join in order to workout.

I have purchased a set of Power Block dumbbell (45lbs each) and a simple workout bench (Flat, Incline & Decline - no leg extension weight bar) and have 2 evenings a week available, Monday & Thursday, to dedicate to my mass building goal.
The weekends are decated to my home life with my wife since I am gone all week.

I have been resourcing what programs are out there on the internet and there are thousands.

I have been using a 3 day workout program from which I have had to adapt to a 2 day workout as well as adapted the exercises to dumbbells and my workout bench.

This workout routine is hitting each muscle group for a total body workout each training session.

Their theory is:
work each muscle group (in my case) 2 time a week - Monday evening & Thursday evening
1 explosive set per muscle to absolute failure
maximum weight so each set is only 8-10 reps and rep 10 must be to absolute failure if not a failure

Here is the routine I am working on:
Back ? Standing One Arm Row
Calves ? Standing calf raises
Chest ? Bench Press
Biceps ? Seated Bicep Curls
Abs ? Side Bends
Shoulder ? Shoulder Press (Seated)
Forearms ? reverse curl
Triceps ? Lying Triceps Extensions
Abs ? Lying Weighted Crunch
Legs ? Squats holding Powerblocks 90lbs

Could you please advice on this program?

Is 90 minutes too long as I have read it should be under 1 hour?

My stack is M1T (Methyl-1-Testosterone)
Eeek 1 is 10mg of M1T each day, on work out days it is 45 minute before my evening workout
Eeek 2 & week 3 is 10mg of M1T in the morning and 10mg of M1T just 45 minutes before my workout
Eeek 4 is off M1T and on 250mg Milk Thistle each morning and on 2 Tribulus each morning and 2 Tribulus each evening, on my work out days it is 2 Tribulus just before my evening workouts

I am using ALLMAX Whey Protein Isolate immediately after my work outs
I take DYMATIZE NUTRITION 12 Hour Protein Elite 3 time daily - every morning 7am - 1pm in the afternoon and just before bedtime

Your advice and guidance is much appreciated

Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2008/07/10, 09:17 AM
If you're working out only twice a week, I'd make sure to focus on compound exercises. For example, you're doing 2 types of curls and triceps extensions. Better suggestions would be close grip chin ups and close grip bench. These use more muscles and allow for greater overload.

Also, with infrequent training, you can load up on intensity techniques (drop sets, rest pause, cheat reps, negatives).

And if you are traveling a lot, then many hotel rooms have exercise rooms. Usually they are pretty wimpy, but something might be better than nothing.

I personally feel that once someone starts calling their supplement routine a "stack" that it's time to get back to the basics. I can tell you came from just by that.

SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk