Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

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losing my workout partner

Posts: 23
Joined: 2006/12/13
2007/08/17, 03:24 PM
Hi, I've been working out with my brother at a good intensity level. We've both put on exceptional muscle mass that I am happy with. However he is moving and I don't have a partner anymore which means I can't lift as heavy as I once did, and I feel i will lose the intensity and drive in the gym. Any tips on how to keep me going to the gym and maintaining or building more muscle. I'm disappointed that i can't really max out anymore. anyway thanx. any advice is appreciated.
Posts: 112
Joined: 2003/02/11
United Kingdom
2007/08/17, 03:40 PM
Had the same problem many years ago and have trained alone ever since. You will have to learn to adapt training with the equipment thats available. machines can help but in terms of freeweights I focus mainly on dumbells for bigger muscle groups such as chest so if i get in the shit i can drop the weights without killing me or other people.
Also remember there are advantages to training alone. NO more arguments over which nody part you are going to train, workouts are quicker, and you can be more selfish in terms of your own goals.
I can still get to failure training alone using pre exhaust, drop sets etc and finish off with a machine
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2007/08/17, 04:05 PM
You can also ask for a spot. Most people are more than willing to help out if you ask.
Posts: 205
Joined: 2006/04/07
2007/08/17, 05:25 PM
tapr....keep in touch with your bro as much as possible. Even though he is not there to work out with you any more, you guys can discuss your progress, any new workout routines, etc. to keep each other motivated and continue working hard. Dont let lack of a workout partner discourage ecle5c said, you can always ask someone to spot you, and who knows, maybe you will come across a new workout partner who can maybe even teach you something new.:dumbbell:

good luck!