Group: Under 25 Club

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toned arms

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/05/30
United States
2007/05/30, 07:19 PM
hi, ive always had quite large arms. i work on them all he time but they never seem to inprove and i was wondering are there any good arm exercises where i will get good results
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2007/05/30, 07:25 PM
The best thing that is going to tone those arms is diet,and cardio.


You Get What You Train For!
- Unknown
Posts: 23
Joined: 2006/05/17
2007/07/17, 11:40 AM
Not everyone can tone certain body matter how much I work my legs (I'm a rugby player, and I bike everywhere) they just get bigger and not toned. You can't just do cardio and expect your arms to tone, you have to do upper body exercises, bench press, tricep and bicep curls, pull ups (use a machine if you can't do them on your own), lat pull down, rowing machines, and kayaking. There are tons of exercises out there, and the exercise guide on here should help you out. Good luck!
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2007/07/17, 11:48 AM
Bettia is right you can do all the exercise you want. But with out proper diet and cardio ON TOP of lifting you will see little "tone" in any body part.

Swindled- your legs getting bigger instead of Toned is more likly a byproduct on building muscle and pushing the layers of fat out at the same time. A way to make them smaller and more cut is to get the correct diet plan in place.

Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack!

I wish everyone would get a partial amnesia and never use 'tone' ever again. (thanks Menance)
Posts: 23
Joined: 2006/05/17
2007/07/26, 03:18 PM
Mutt, I am an extremely healthy eater always have been, and I have an appropriate "diet" plan in place and have for the past 8 years, but because of my body build I do not tone in my thighs. Woman have different fat deposits then men, no matter how much I work my legs they won't tone like my upper body will. You can ask many women the same thing, we have this tendency to chalk everything up to diet and cardio, without knowing the full info. I know many women who train at canada team level for two different sports, and who have certain body parts that wont tone, one of my friends is a national level sprint kayaker (a lot of core, cardio, upper body) yet cannot tone her arms, but the rest of her is toned. You can't say diet and cardio if the majority of the body is toned minus one or two body parts which may or may not be underworked. It has to do a lot with genetics.
Posts: 81
Joined: 2007/07/24
United States
2007/07/28, 11:44 PM
Genetics; my arse....hee,hee,ha,ha,. family of 10 nine sisters 1 boy My opinion is it's "Denial". Denying that you don't exercise those weaker muscules as much as those that are firm. I think we all have are most favorite muscle men and women... for me it's chest,biceps,and triceps. Oh, wait a minute that's 3 muscules. The fact is I know nothing about a womans body but I do know this a man with a body fat of %15 or less is normal and a woman with 24% or less is normal.. And you cannot tone any part of your body toning is a myth.. What you are really talking about is exercising a certain muscle. This is called strengthening your muscle and making it more firm and defined. Not toning like you say. So any body can do this no matter what your gender is or what your genetic make up is... 2 exception are, if you have some kind of medical disablity and if you look like that hunch back on word "tone" is used freely even by me. It's just saying you want a more muscular and defined

stomach at navel:33in.

"Common Sense is not Common"

Posts: 308
Joined: 2003/11/08
United States
2007/07/29, 11:42 PM
you can't tone individual bodyparts , only build muscle. Working something out does not burn fat in that bodypart, so you are only building muscle. Like mutt said, you are just pushing the fat out. And IT IS diet and cardio that are the factors because your body doesn't want to dip into those fat stores so you have to have more of a caloric defecit and just keep losing fat and eventually your body will start burning those trouble areas.
Posts: 81
Joined: 2007/07/24
United States
2007/07/30, 12:19 AM
I'm gonna put a message in from another site.
In gereral, people will practice cardio activities and forget about weight bearing exercises when it comes to burning fat. Many trainers will say that aerobic exercises burn off fat and weightlifting is only used to build muscle bulk. this statement is not entirely correct because the more muscle mass one acquires through weight training, the more he/she will burn fat calories...even at rest.
I myself say do more weight training. But still do cardio just less... To keep that "Fat burner" going all day long...

Lastly, can somebody explain something for me? How do you push the fat out? I never heard of this before...

stomach at navel:33in.

"Common Sense is not Common"