Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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Happy Monday (05/31)

Posts: 136
Joined: 2004/04/22
2004/05/31, 09:51 AM
Hi everyone. I hope you all had a productive weekend. I had a wedding Sat afternoon and probably ate too much. But I did make it to the gym for some weights and cardio.

Just a reminder that Charlie wants us all to get our stats to him today for the different challenges. Good luck everyone.
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2004/05/31, 09:57 AM
Hey prairie girl - you are becoming an awesome fixture in this forum - way to keep people motivated!!!

Good for you for making it to the gym on the weekend!

Best of luck to you in the challenge!

If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
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2004/05/31, 10:41 AM
Thanks. Posting keeps me motivated, even if I don't get any work done. :laugh:
Posts: 251
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2004/05/31, 02:42 PM
This weekend was kinda nuts with kookie hours but I got my workout in everyday :dumbbell: Today is supposed to be my rest day but I think I am going to do my "easy" workout video cause I don't want to "not do" anything. Anyways GJ on getting that work out in even though you had a wedding! Major Koodos to you Prairie!

Keep Lifting/Keep Pushing Play Everyone and one day in the now not to distant future we can all compare successes instead of motivation to get there!!!

Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
Posts: 251
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United States
2004/05/31, 02:43 PM
BTW. . . for the first time in about a year and a half I'm fitting <REALLY fitting not squeezing> into SIZE 16!!!!! Just thought I would share that with you all, I'm so excited!:love:

Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
Posts: 329
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United States
2004/06/01, 08:22 AM
It's great that you do this for all of us. I was pretty darn good over the weekend. Only went a little nuts on Sunday when I had half a seedless watermelon. I hit the gym Sunday and yesterday (Monday). I'm in the BF% lost and inches gained/lost challenge on here. When my numbers came up for body composition, I wasn't nearly as Homeresque as I thought I would be. Still, there's plenty of room to improve.
Posts: 136
Joined: 2004/04/22
2004/06/01, 10:07 AM
Hi guys, me again.

Congrats Kyrah on the size 16. It's been so long since I've seen a size 16 that I'd forgotten that they make them. Good for you! Onwards to 14.

WAnglais - how bad can seedless watermelon be. It's it just water and a little fructose. I'm sure you worked it off on Sunday.

I didn't make it to gym yesterday. My back was killing me and I had some sciatic pain in my legs so I thought I'd stay away. It was legs day and I didn't want to make it worse. The good think is that the back pain isn't from my workouts. It's because of the 6 hours I spent bent over while working in the yard on Sunday.

I'm exhausted today. Slept like crap last night. Didn't get up to go to the gym this morning so I'll get it in at noon or after work (or both).

Have a good one!
Posts: 251
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2004/06/01, 11:21 AM
Well I didn't wind up doing my video last night cause as it turns out, walking funny in sandals due to sunburn gives you blisters on the balls of your feet :( Gonna give it my best today though, don't want to take more than 1 day off unless I absolutely have to :dumbbell:

Ty for the Gratz Prairie! Oh and WAnglais watermelon is good for you anyways, at least it wasn't half a pizza or something like that :big_smile: Keep up the good work all!!!

Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
Posts: 1,585
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2004/06/01, 12:34 PM
Hi everyone! I am so glad to be here with such a bunch of positive people! I actually downloaded my workout pictures - arrggg! They are awful, but I thought if I had to look at them each day, I would remind myself of what I need to accomplish. It was hard and embarrassing, very embarrassing, but I don't want to hide behind anything anymore. Like an alcholic, the first step is admitting I have a problem! LOL! Seriously, I could die looking at the pics, but I am hoping that I will have better ones as the days go. I didn't work out this weekend, but I certainly "worked!" I switched three rooms around, moving furniture, cleaning, cleaning and cleaning! I worked from a.m. to p.m. and definately got the blood pumping and the sweat sweatin'! It wasn't a workout, but on the weekends I like to do more yard work, gardening, etc. and house work, but I try to watch the way I move, bend, try to work some simple stretches, etc. into what I'm doing - even vaccuming! I ate good, wish I ate better but the groceries are pretty slim pickings right now. Today I will do my trainers weight work out and glider. Have a super day, all of you, and remember MISERY IS OPTIONAL! :) Smiles for miles!
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2004/06/01, 02:07 PM
Morning everyone!! My weekend was fantastic. Lost of walking in the woods and reading. Bought my own drinks up to camp so no soda for me!!! Am going to take my hubbers on a walk this evening, and tomorrow will be hitting the weights! Kyrah, congrats on the 16!!! That's what I am shooting for too!!!
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2004/06/02, 08:15 AM
I have made it every day so far this week. I feel great. It's really an odd feeling for me to have. I'm in the Mutt Challenge 2004, so let's see what we all can do. Today is shoulder day. Tomorrow legs. My hardest day on the day my play starts back up. Ugh. I'll have to drag myself out of bed tomorrow morning for that. Wish me luck. I also wanted to say I am so proud of everyone in this forum. You all really do inspire me. Thanks!
Posts: 136
Joined: 2004/04/22
2004/06/02, 09:38 AM
I didn't get any cardio in yesterday. I was going to go after work, but I booked myself in for a massage and then just wanted to lay around after. I've got some very tight muscles in my back and it felt like I was run over by a truck this morning. But, I did make it to the gym this morning. Back and chest! Hard work today.

I'm doing a bit of travelling for work the rest of this week. BUT, i did book myself into a hotel with a gym. So I'll still be able to get my workout in. I just won't be able to post for a few days.

See you all in a few days. Happy lifting!
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United States
2004/06/02, 12:01 PM
Well I only did my 30 minute workout yesterday but gonna make up for it today and do my regular hour one. Today was measurement day <Every Wed> and I was scared. . . but as it turns out. . . I've lost another 7 inches over all /cheer/ that makes a grand total of 10.5 since I started this new workout on May 18 :dumbbell::big_smile::dumbbell:

GL with your workouts Prairie, and LOTS of luck to you WAnglais!!!!

Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
Posts: 329
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2004/06/02, 12:43 PM
Thanks, Kyrah. Congrats to you on the inches lost.
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2004/06/02, 12:56 PM
Kyrah!! 7 more inches?! That is great! 10.5 since May 18! Good for you, I hope that I can do so well!!!

Good hotel booking, prairiegirl, I think it's great that they have put workout rooms/gyms in most hotels, it give us nooooo excuses!!

Have a great workout day!!!

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2004/06/02, 02:05 PM
Ok guys. Here's the skinny :laugh: I have been doing my weights and cardio on my own, and have not been seeing a whole lot of results. In 2 months I have lost no lbs, and MAYBE 2-3 inches total. So, todayI decided to get a 8 week plan from ft, and am going to start using it rather than doing things by myself. Just thought I would let you all know, and I will make sure to scream really loud when I start to see more results than before!!! :big_smile:
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2004/06/02, 02:09 PM
LOL GL with the program, will be rooting you on! BTW if any of you are looking for a "no nonsense" home workout video to try, the one I am using is "Slim In Six" by, it is a progressive workout series and it is KICKING my *ss into shape fast!! :dumbbell::big_smile::dumbbell:

Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
Posts: 1,389
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United States
2004/06/02, 02:11 PM
I have seen the ad for that, and it looks quite good. However, at this point in time, my empty wallet is telling me to stick with the free weight room at my apartment!! :dumbbell:
Posts: 251
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2004/06/02, 02:15 PM
Ahh yes that evil known as being broke. . . I was a BAD girl and put it on the credit card :angry: Hubby was MAD at me till I got it and we started seeing the results . . . now he says it was SO worth it and I'm forgiven for the interest we'll be paying on it for months to come, aint that love? :love::laugh:

Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
Posts: 329
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United States
2004/06/04, 10:20 AM
Made it every day this week! Yesterday was leg day and I really pushed it. I was all wobbly afterwards. For motivation I bought the 25th anniversary of "Pumping Iron." Thinking about it makes me squeeze out a couple of extra reps when I think I'm done.
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United States
2004/06/04, 11:18 AM
I am with you, CristalBelle, I would like to do one of the beachbody programs and have promised myself that as a gift the first time I can afford it, until then, like you, I will have to stick with what I have. Maybe Ebay has them cheaper, I'm going to check...

Good leg day, WAnglais1, wobbles and all!! Super job on making it every day this week!! That is my biggest thing, just do it every day!

Good luck today to all!!

Posts: 136
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2004/06/05, 11:38 AM
Wanglais1 - What is "pumping iron"????