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  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30

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Trashed my legs!!

Posted on: 2004/05/31, 08:20 PM by: bb1fit
Well, went in and trashed my legs today!! I was going to do a set workout I had for legs and hams/glutes, but once I got in there, in the new gym they had SO MUCH stuff I have never or for years now haven't used due to lack of equipment, that I just went for it and thouroughly trashed my legs. Like a kid in a candy store, I used a bunch of new stuff. I wanted to try all these things, and they hit my legs/hams from such different angles that just with the new stuff it should have been a shock to my legs. Once I get used to using all this, then I will go to the set program I have outlined.

They have this machine for the lower leg(teardrop) and for hams that have 3 weight plate positions, numbered 1,2,3, each hits a different area of the hams and lower leg. Very cool!! I used all 3 on both....And a standing calf machine, man I didn't realize how much I missed that!

So, here is how it went...


Squats(wide stance)
Sets...185x10,225x10,225x10,235x7(forgot my belt, they do not have any at this gym, so didn't go up anymore. Have to be careful of my lower back)

Plate loaded squat press 45 degree(feet low and close)
sets...495x10,(585x5,4,4,4)did the count to 10, 15,20!!

Plate loaded squat press 45 degree(feet high and shoulder width)
Sets....(585x10,4)count to 10, stopped there.

Hack squats(what a shock this was..wasn't sure of weight, they really did the job though!)just counting plates
Sets...90x10,90x10,110x10(took all the way down to bottom)

Leg extensions(regular machine, lift with both legs, lower with one..each leg)

Leg extensions on 3 position plate machine(first is postion 1,2,3)
second round....75x3,75x7,75x6


Standing calf machine(wasn't sure what weight to use)

Reverse standing calf raises

Seated calf raises(this one was different than the one I am used to, plates loaded from the top as opposed to the front)

Legs were/are totally trashed, very cool! Can't wait to do it again! Tomorrow is an easy day, biceps/forearms/abs. In comparison to these 2 days, should be a piece of cake!!
