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  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30

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Killer leg day!!

Posted on: 2003/10/02, 10:11 PM by: bb1fit
I have not been able to do squats for beter than 7-8 months, in fact began to believe I would never ever be able to do them again. Well, back, felt pretty good, and thought last night maybe I would give them a shot today. I started out very, very cautiously with just the bar(that is how scared I was to do them!), and did 15, felt fine. So, did 135 for 10, again, no pain! Went to 185 with a belt, very careful, and did 10 again with no pain! Well, you can imagine how physched I was by now. So, proceeded with 225, did 10, and it was great! So, here is how my sets ended up today, did not want to push it too far today.

Squats...4x10, 185, 225, 245,245
Leg presses(feet low and close)...2x6, 540(6 plates each side
Leg extensions.....3x10, 90,100,110 supersetted with Sissy squats with Smith machine bar for resistance...3x15 (legs smoking now!)
Leg curls....3x12, 95,100,110 supersetted with blaster kickbacks...3x10, 112.5,125, 137
Adductors and Abductors supersetted....3x15 at 120


Seated calf raises...3x10, 180,270,280
Calfs with smith machine(standing toe raises)...195, 245,265
Calves off leg press....3x20, 400,420,420

I was stoked!! I actually did squats! I never thought I would see the day I would actually look forward to doing them! Wondering now how long it will take me to get back up to my old levels with FROM at 315...better not push it too much though.

Anyway, had my normal post workout shake, felt like I earned it today! Looking forward to some good old DOMS tomorrow. Been doing leg presses for so very long, the change today should be cool.

Till tomorrow....chest day(going to eat beef tonight, always do before a chest day!)
