• United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30

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Final glycogen depletion workout!! Carb up starts today!

Posted on: 2004/05/19, 11:34 AM by: bb1fit
well, finished my last workout and am sipping my recovery shake as I type this. The sugar sure tastes good. In a matter of a couple hours I will be eating my first carb up meal. I can hardly wait....

My workout this morning went like this...

Superset 45 degree angle squats no weight with leg extensions

Leg curls

Superset Lat pulldowns with flat dumbbell bench

Superset Upright cable rows with side db laterals

Superset seated db curls with rope extensions

Superset cable crunches with leg lifts

I will not kid anyone, this was a but buster, I am so very glad it is over!! The journey is almost complete, now is simply rest, posing, and carb up. And be at my best come Saturday. I am dropping the sodium spike today also, though still continuing to lightly salt my food, no more than usual though. I am starting potassium loading today, 1 99mg. tablet every other hour today.
