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  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30

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Posted on: 2004/06/20, 08:17 PM by: bb1fit
Had a good fathers day today. Even got in a good workout. Chest and Triceps, really trying to emphasize a bit more on tri's with doing chest all the time first. Took a cold quick shower then immediately hit the hot tub, very relaxing. My wife was doing laps, I went to get in, the water was freezing! Went back to the hot tub.

My wife took me out to a Mexican place for lunch today(my favorite cheat, can get the combo fajitas, so lots of protein), and she ended up getting her's for free unfortunately. She was chewing on what she thought was a piece of chicken, turned out to be a cooked piece of plastic most probably from the wrapper!

Oh well, on with the workout. Went well, tried to incorporate some of the 60/50/40 second utilization on tri's today, really hit them hard.

Actually started off with some flat benches today, I have not benched in well over a year due to a tender left shoulder. Felt pretty good, did not push it too hard, was being a bit cautious. Wasn't even in my workout today, just decided to give it a go.


Flat bench(was happy just to do these!)

Dumbbell pullovers(elbows in, hips low and stationary)

Smith machine inclines(last rep slow down, and up and hold)
sets...45 degree....140x12
40 drgree....160x6
35 degree.....(180x4,140x4)

Flies...was all over the place on these...2 sets with dumbbells supinating, 1 each set on 2 different machines(this is probably the exercise I have to watch out for the most, really puts the most strain on my left shoulder)

Decline dumbbell press(these are tough to get started, the weight wasn't too heavy, just getting into position with dumbbells was tough. This is why I never did these before, though they did feel good. Stretched really hard afterwards also.


French presses(wanted to do power rack extensions first, but it was being used)
Sets....(90x2,70x5)bad warmup, 70x7,80x5,90x3

Straight bar pressdowns(utilized time method here a couple times)...great burn
sets....(130x19,100x3)60 sec.,(110x18,80x10)50 sec.,80x22..40 sec.,150x8,(110x6,90x10) 60 sec.

Smith machine reverse press
Sets....50x6,50x5,50x5(plate weight only)

Fascial stretching after each set with dumbbells

Tail ends
sets....50x16(depending on the pulley, if it is a double as this one was, much more resistance, can't do near as much weight)

Did the hot tub as noted, felt great. I believe I may actually have inticed some DOMS in my tris' with the time method, I feel them now still a bit, never usually feel them much after the workout is completed. I am looking forward to some. It was my main goal going in today to do, to make my tri's feel like my legs did last week.
