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  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30

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Posted on: 2004/11/14, 06:21 PM by: bb1fit
Today was chest day again, and I set another record on inclines! It was so awesome, and that was after a bunch of sets of flat bench both dumbbell and barbell(for a change). I have come to the conculusion that my prior 7 weeks of prioritizing shoulders with heavy weight, really pushing them as hard and heavy as possible with the strength increases there directly corresponds to this new found incline strength. Really only logical explanation, I have struggled mightily with inclines for many years, used to see other guys pushing these weights and thinking, why can't I do that, I am strong in everything else??? Well, finally redemption. Here is how my chest workout went today...as mentioned, switched things up a bit today...

1).Started my first working set with 90's rather than 85's.

2).Followed flat dumbbells with full rep barbell, something I have not done in ages(do alot of partials on the smith and Hammer strength flat, but not full rep barbells. Really felt good)

3).After doing flat dumbbells and then barbells, went back and did a set with 100's on flat dumbbell. Felt great to still have that strength.

so, without further adooo.....

Flat dumbbell bench

Flat barbell bench full range movement
sets....225x3,225x2,250x1(just to see if I could do it, not bad after doing dumbbells first )

Incline dumbbells
sets.....70x8,80x5,90x3,95x2(way PR!)

Hammer seated incline

Decline benches(full range movement, no smith)
Sets....185x5,225x2,225x2,235x2(rested a bit longer)

Hammer strength wide grip

Had a great ab workout following. Really had a nice chest pump today to go along with the records. Very cool, chest was tight and did some nice stretching between sets.
