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  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 72 years old
  • Joined: 2001/06/30

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Brutalized the biceps today, hit triceps pretty good

Posted on: 2004/02/17, 01:13 PM by: bb1fit
Well, today was declare war on bicep day. I devised a workout last night and followed it to the letter today. Now, all I want to do is eat. Again, this is not an everyday workout, just a blast back to the past if you will to shock the biceps into new growth...see what you think. I did a total of 10 supersets, 5 ascending, 5 descending of Olympic bar curls and cable curls. Then 3 sets of seated incline curls, and between first 2 sets of power rack extensions(triceps), did 2 more sets with that weight on curls. So, here it is....

First set Olympic barbell curls/superset with cable curls


Ok, now back down


Ok, my biceps were smoking....now another blow

Seated incline bicep curl( 20 degree angle is all for more bicep recruitment and take deltoids out of it)

Now on to triceps...but wait, inbetween the firs 2 sets(warmup) and first working set, I immediately without rest hit 8 reps with the same olympic bar for triceps. Biceps were hurting, triceps just beginning.

Power rack extensions
(warmup)....45x12,65x10(now a set of bicep curls with the 65)
Sets...85x12(now a set of bicep curls with the 85),95x6,100x5,100x4

Decline close grip benches on smith machine. Counting just plates. I like the smith because you can take shoulders out of the movement and isolate triceps more with the same range of movement.

Tricep press machine...never use this, today just for variation

Straight bar upper cable pressdowns(good form)

And the final blow, this was a good one, upper cable long pull triceps extensions(full stretch on each rep)


Finish off with 2 sets of reverse cable curls

Arms were smoking, time to hit the needed recovery drink and eat today! I usually don't do the full recovery drink on arm day, but this was an exception. I plan to eat all day!!!
