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Posted on: 2012/01/26, 06:08 PM by: dloblein
I have tried many diets and exercise programs and so far nothing has worked. I tried to my full potentional and no results. Does this actually work?


  • asimmer asimmer 2012/01/27
    it takes time and consistency. most people don't have the nutrition part correct and waste a lot of time doing unnecessary exercises. Pick a plan and stick with it for at least 12 weeks consistently, that includes clean eating.
  • george george 2012/01/26
    Only one way to find out! Give our plans a try and follow them 100% as they are written out and you will see results. Reaching either weight loss or weight gain goals takes full time commitment and sometimes results do come slower for some, but they do come as long as you stick with it. Best of luck and consider joining our groups for more hands on advice.