Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 54, Messages: 4465

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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thumb sprain

Posts: 35
Joined: 2002/08/04
United States
2002/10/04, 01:26 PM
i think i sprained my thumb at my soccer game Wednesday and it has become very hard to grip anything, which blows the majotiry of my upper bpdy workout until it heals. anyone else ever sprained a thumb and know how long it takes to heal?
Posts: 1,112
Joined: 2000/11/27
2002/10/04, 10:21 PM
Yes.. it does take a while, ice it to speed up recovery. You can still do pressing movements with the Smith Machine.. where the bar should be at your palms anyways.. no need to wrap thumb around. Be careful if attempting this.

Speedy recovery!

.o0 Arnold 0o...o0 0o.
Posts: 288
Joined: 2002/03/25
United States
2002/10/04, 11:46 PM
get a split in hand or whatever they are can still lift weights if you have it on..;)

Tiffany Der #10

"You have to make it through the rain in order to see the Rainbow........."