Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 54, Messages: 4465

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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This Hurts

Posts: 8
Joined: 2001/09/02
2001/07/14, 01:37 PM
Started a new Ft program. Squats are new to me. Any secrets to help with the stiff sore legs. Two days later and walking, sitting, etc let me know I have new muscles that have not worked very hard in the past.
Posts: 266
Joined: 2001/06/25
United States
2001/07/14, 02:05 PM
It will especially if your legs are not used to it. What helps me A LOT, is to make sure that you do plenty of good stretching before, during and after. It will REALLY help. Continue stretching the muscle for the rest of the week so you don't allow them to get stiff on you. Also, make sure your form is correct and drink lots of water.
Posts: 156
Joined: 2001/01/29
United States
2001/07/15, 08:17 PM
Hey dude take it easy if you're just getting started. The old adage of "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" is a thing of the past. You cannot train properly if you hurt. Squats really can stimulate growth in that they involve so many muscles. Start slowly and let your body adapt to the new routine/weight before you try to "go heavy". Let your legs recover and then pick a weight that you can squat with some difficulty at the rep goal. As your legs and body adjust to the new routine then keep adding on the weight. DO NOT STRETCH before squats. Loosening the joints may increase your susceptibility to injury. If you are tight then stretch on the days you are not squating. You want your joints to be as tight as possible as you put tremendous strain on them.
Posts: 125
Joined: 2001/05/04
2001/07/18, 10:08 PM
make sure you stretch well for 5-10 minutes before squatting. Ensure that you stretch your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors thoroughly before beginning, these are the main squatting muscles. If there are any powerlifters in your gym, then I recommend you get them to teach you proper form instead of personal trainers, as I have seen trainers incorrectly performing and teaching the exercise many times.
If you're like most people you will need to strengthen your hamstrings and glutes in order to perform a proper squat, so build up slowly and steadily. Good luck
Posts: 5
Joined: 2001/09/02
United States
2001/07/16, 08:15 AM
hello, this will be my 3rd week in the program + when i woke up sat my neck started hurting bad can't move it much, the last time this happened to me was in high school when i was in softball, do i apply heat or ice or both ? please HELP!! I DONT want this to slow my progress, thanks guys!