Group: Experienced Exercise

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Rugby, Cardio, Getting Big

Posts: 18
Joined: 2003/06/23
United States
2004/01/06, 01:36 PM
I have a bit of a dilema...I play rugby and I am now about 6 weeks out before we start training again. I have been trying to put on more mass but I have to do a fair amount of running/sprinting since this is what we do on the pitch/field. Am I conteracting my progress with the amount of cardio I must do?

Any thoughts would be helpful.
2004/01/06, 02:08 PM
A friend who is a running back does sprints to keep lean but hes bulky and JACKED...OR maybe the opportune word is CUT. I think it depends on how much mass you want to keep and how much you are sprinting. I do know that that type of cardio is going to burn calories for sure. I'll ask a buddy friend who works with collegiate and professional athletes your question and get back to you.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2003/06/23
United States
2004/01/06, 02:17 PM
Thanks....I have lost a fair amount of weight from Rugby and Gym. I started at 225 and I am now at 190. I watch my diet but not as much as I should....I am not looking for a six pack (cause you know Rugby boys do drink)....I am just noticing now I am beginning to loose some of my mass on account of it but I still need to stay sprinting!!
Posts: 308
Joined: 2003/11/08
United States
2004/01/07, 02:12 AM
It would be incredibly hard to gain muscle mass as you lose fat and do a lot of cardio, but it is very possible to maintain it. I'd say the most important thing is proper nutrition. take in a lot of good calories to help maintain your muscle mass and keep it lean so yuo can lose the fat. Take in a lot of lean protein. Diet is the most important and most overlooked aspect of training.
2004/01/07, 10:02 AM
Big J is right that you have to concentrate on maintenance. With the intensity of rugby and level of fitness required, it's going to be very very difficult to keep gaining mass. I normally do my mass gaining phase 3 months before rugby training starts....2 months serious gaining, one month of minimal gains getting prepared for practices. Once you get into the hardcore training, your body will gobble calories and fat, so keeping the muscle is the top priority.

OSU Law Rugby....specializing in personal injury and pain & suffering.
2004/01/07, 12:17 PM
Still waiting for his answer...but yea I know well THE RUGBY BOYS LOVE OF BREW :) LOL

Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/05/11
United States
2008/05/11, 04:53 PM
Hey PPL I am 15 and im not sure if I must start gyming and Lifting big Weights,My couch says im strong enough but not fast enough I play Second row and im not that slow but i want too lose weight and becoe faster but stil become stronger aswell.....

Please anything would be helpfull
Posts: 9
Joined: 2008/02/27
United States
2008/06/07, 02:46 PM
I play rugby as well and had the same problem. I play inside center so I have to be strong enough to tackle anyone and take the hits running the ball but also in enough shape to run all over the pitch. What I did was lift like crazy in the off-season with no cardio (except a little after I lift) and then once rugby actually started, I hardly lifted at all. I went in the gym a few times but with light weight just to make sure I didn't lose anything. The biggest reason for this was because I was too frickin sore from practice to do anything.

The important thing to remember is that if you do too much cardio, you will be using up the resources in your body that you need to build muscle. It is important to remember that you are doing cardio for a stronger heart, not to burn fat. SO, I would recommend lifting, and doing 15-20 min of cardio after you lift. Then, eat like crazy. Make sure you are getting enough protein and carbs to fuel your muscles even after what you burned in cardio.

You can gain muscle and do moderate amounts of cardio as long as you eat a lot (this wont result in the high level of fat burning people are usually looking for, but it will keep your heart in shape).