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Questions about workouts...

Posts: 1
Joined: 2002/07/07
United States
2002/07/07, 11:27 PM
Hello. I am an 18 year old male. I am seeking a workout program that will increase increasing strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness dramatically in a relatively ammount of time.
I have already been exposed to all the marketing hype about magic supplements and already know all about the steroid pitfalls. I am seeking mostly naturual enhancers such as ginseng and branch chained amino acids and Phosphatidylserine. I am still working on a diet.
My goal is to perform very intense workouts 6 days apart each. A diet i was thinking of was mexican yams twice on workout days and once on normal days, small meals of chicken 4 times a day and salmon 1 per day along with grass fed serloine 3 days a week. Is this sufficient calorie intake?

This was a workout program I was planning on using. It is called the deck of cards routine but I am making some adjustmants to it. It consists of the following (some of these workouts i am not familiar with:

Free-Hand Squats: Have no clue what these are
Wrestler's Bridges: No clue what these are
Handstand push-ups: Can I perform this alone even
Jump squats: No clue what these are
Jackknife sit-ups: No clue what these are
Pull-ups or chin-ups
Power Clean and Jerk
Push-Press: No clue what this is.
Hack-Lift: No clue what this is.
Jefferson Lift: No clue what this is.
Sandbag Clean & Press
Sandbags curls and flyes
Sandbag bench press alterative to deadly barbell
One-hand Sandbag Clean and Snatch
One-and-a-quater squats: I heard these are hard.
Stiff-legged deadlifts
Power cleans
Military press
Sandbag Farmer's Walk
Car push 10-20 minutes

I am not sure how to implement these workouts effectively. Farmer's Walk and car push are last. I know the legs and back and chest should be worked out before the shoulders. I want a workout that improve strength and endurance in weeks and monts instead of years (years before results workouts are something i have no patience or time for for). Many trainers I asked do not even know what one and a quaters squats are. If you can advise me here I would appriciate it.


Posts: 1,008
Joined: 2002/01/24
United States
2002/07/08, 12:12 AM
You should sign up for the mass program. It will give you strength and mass. As far as some of those exercises, I have never heard of them before. Good luck and hope you do well. Oh, by the way welcome to FT.

Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2002/07/08, 06:59 AM
Hey netposter, I guess it is up to me to let you know that there is now way short of a mircale that you can get huge/very strong with out many years of hard training. Even the best powerlifters/stronmen (which by the way is what your above workout is designed for) take decades yes that is right decades to reach their best. Most of the those lifts you listed are for training for events like the Worlds Strongest Man competion and powerlifting events. I think you would be better off, lifting heavy and eating right.
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2002/07/08, 10:30 AM
I don't understand why you would adopt a training program where you don't even know most of the exercises? Mutt is right in that most of these exercises are geared towards powerlifting. However, it takes time and lots of dedication to acquire strength and mass.

My suggestion would be to check out some powerlifting sites. There have been a few posted under the powerlifting forum. Good luck!

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