Group: motivating ladies

Created: 2012/04/06, Members: 397, Messages: 159

a group for ladies any age who want to motivate each other and give advice or just talk and keep track of one another

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Posts: 2
Joined: 2013/04/09
United States
2013/04/09, 05:41 PM
Hello I just barely joined, I have a few questions. I'm a dancer so I'm already pretty fit. I weigh 115 pounds and I'm 5ft 7, I want to tryout for a drill team, but the problem is I don't have a lot of strength, the flexibility is there, but the strength isn't. For example with leg extensions I can kick my leg up to my face and hold it with my hands, but when I don't hold it with my hands I get a little above a 90 degree angle.So my question is what part of my body do I need to strengthen and what exercises can I do to help that?Open to any suggestions :)
Posts: 35
Joined: 2003/07/03
United States
2013/10/09, 05:22 PM
It's best, in my opinion to strengthen the whole body. But if you don't want to do that than I think you should strengthen you quads and hamstrings. Squats are a great leg exercise, lunges would be good too. I think working the abductors and adductors would be a good idea as well. I am sure you can find all kinds of good exercies from the exercise tab on top of your screen. I have a sliding machine at home I use to work my adductors. Take a look at this video maybe it will help you Let me know how it goes and if I helped. 

