Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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NO calf strength.

Posts: 5
Joined: 2002/12/31
2003/01/07, 05:59 PM
I am very new on here. I am 5'9" and 200lbs. I have 4 kids and no time or money to go to a gym. I do, however, have a weight bench and a few metal weights to place on 2 dumbells, and one barbell.
My problem: I have Zero calf strength. I CANNOT stand on my toes to save my life. All calf exercises seem to expect at least some strength to begin with, but for some reason I have none. Can anyone help me?? I don't know what to do.
Posts: 333
Joined: 2002/10/17
2003/01/07, 06:20 PM
Where is the actual weakness? It is possible that you have weak ankles or arches in your feet, and that could be the root of your problem. Let me know if you're interested in strengthening those parts, I'll send you some exercises.

Think you can or think you can't; either way you're right--Goethe
Posts: 5
Joined: 2002/12/31
2003/01/07, 06:28 PM
I will try the seated calf raises. Thank you.
As far as where the actual weakness is, my ankles are very weak, (I turn my ankles very easily, walking across sand is almost impossible) however I know there is a great deal of weakness in my calf muscles as well. My right calf muscle is about 1/3rd smaller than the left (I'm right handed) and when I try to lift my right leg up onto its toes I find I'm using my thigh and hip much more than my calf, and I don't know how to stop it.
Posts: 5
Joined: 2002/12/31
2003/01/07, 06:31 PM
I will try the seated calf raises. Thank you.
As far as where the actual weakness is, my ankles are very weak, (I turn my ankles very easily, walking across sand is almost impossible) however I know there is a great deal of weakness in my calf muscles as well. My right calf muscle is about 1/3rd smaller than the left (I'm right handed) and when I try to lift my right leg up onto its toes I find I'm using my thigh and hip much more than my calf, and I don't know how to stop it.