Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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need advice

Posts: 4
Joined: 2003/09/24
United States
2003/12/25, 07:42 PM

I have been lifting heavily on bench now for about a year. I just started experiencing a lot of pain in my left shoulder. I went to the doctors and they determined that I have developed tendonitis in the shoulder. They recommended therapy. I haven't attended any yet. I was hoping the shoulder would heal itself by me avoiding the bench press. I haven't touched the bench press in about 1 month. This is extremely depressing for me, since this is my favorite exercise. I have a few questions: 1. What exercise would be a good alternative to bench press? I feel like I am not hitting my chest like I use to. I currently do flat dumbell press, incline, decline, pull overs, flies, and peck deck. 2. How long does it usually take for recovery? 3. Will I ever be able to return back to doing the bench press? For me to go into the gym and not be able to do this exercise effects me a lot. Please advise. Thank you.
Posts: 1,218
Joined: 2003/10/19
United States
2003/12/26, 08:24 PM
First of all, GO TO THERAPY! This will be the only way to get back the glory you so desperately ONLY YOUR DOCTOR CAN ANSWER THESE QUESTION FOR YOU. Please don't take this into your own hands or depend on us to advise in this particular situation. Second, depending on the grade of tendonitis you have, it is impossible to tell how long it would take for a full recovery. Being a pitcher in college for four years and a power-lifter, I've had my share of tendonitis, and I'll tell you , the only thing that worked for me was total rest and seeing my doc regularly. I know it sucks but it will take alot longer for it to heal if you don't take care of it now. Good luck.

May the lift be with you.