Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

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Monster Truck tire problems

Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/11/09
United States
2008/11/09, 11:47 PM
I'm new to this forum, and thought this would be a good place to get some advice. So here's my situation.
I'm 42 and started hitting the iron again. In fact, I'm lifting more than I ever have before. I've seen some great muscle gains, and I'm benching more than my bodyweight for the first time. I've added an inch to my arms since I started, and my chest is getting pretty big. The problem is I'm carrying a monster truck tire around my middle that I can't get rid of. While I have been seeing some pretty massive muscle gains, my bodyweight isn't dropping at all. Here's my split.
Monday morning 30 min eliptical then major muscle ie chest
Afternoon opposite minor muscle ie bicep
Tuesday morning all leg groups
Afternoon shoulders
Wednesday morning 30 min eliptical then major muscle ie back
Afternoon opposite minor muscle ie tricep
Thursday morning complete leg groups
Afternoon shoulders
Friday morning 30 min eliptical then major muscle ie chest
Afternoon opposite minor muscle ie bicep
Sat and Sun off
The next Monday I reverse the chest and back days.
As for diet, I drink two scoops of whey protein after morning workouts with a midmorning fruit snack. Lunch is tuna or chicken. Afternoon snack of protein pudding before the afternoon workout, then a regular meal at home. I've hit a platuea and need some advice.
Posts: 63
Joined: 2003/01/29
United Kingdom
2008/11/11, 05:01 AM
I think at first u need to be more clear abt ur goal. Wht r u looking for? Do u want massive gains or want to get rid of the fat from your body. Remember tht getting rid of body fat and gaining mass is very difficult because they both contradict each other. However its not impossible but u need to get a good routine and good diet plan. Ur diet since fine. But try to get good protein from raw foods rather than protein shakes. To be honest many of these sahkes r actually very carefull disguised junk food. Drink a shake if u think u have no time to cook anything.

I think u r definitely overtraining here. Keep ur workout for 4 days and try to do it at one go. If u dont have the time then do a 20-30 min cardio in the morning and then in the afternoon/evening do free weights. In any case I would not suggest 5 days workout especially if u r training heavy. Just a few simple rules:

1. Train heavy but try to keep a minimum of 6 reps.
2. Dont cheat much. Keep a very good form. Remember long results is the key. If ur form is right then u will get the right shape.

3. Concentrate on negatives as well. Like when u do bicep curls after u lift dont just pull the weight down. Pull it down slowly and u will feel the pain. Negatives r very good in strengthening the core muscles.

4. It doesnt matter how long u r in the cardio machine. Watch out for ur heart beat. Remember the higher ur heart beat the higher will be ur metabolism and the more u will burn fat. It also means even after ur workouts u will continue to burn body fat. Dont eat within 1 hr after ur morning cardio workouts.

5. Try HIIT training for 2 days/week.
6. Cover 2 body parts per session. Do max 3 exercises per body part. Do more compound sets rather than isolated ones if u r looking for size.

7. The key to six packs is losing body fat. So no point in doing 100 crunches. Do sets of deadlifts, squats, push ups,planks etc. These stabilises the core abdominal muscles.

8. Always add variety to ur routine. Remember ur body responds well to SHOCK. Always do the unanticipated and ur body will give results. Join some studio classes like aerobics, spinning, body combat etc. These classes r very good and ur metabolism will be really high.

All the best