Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 968, Messages: 18927

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Logsheets and number of sets

Posts: 13
Joined: 2009/05/19
United States
2012/11/06, 03:09 AM
I've been a little confused by the new set-up at Free Trainers (I know, it's been a while!) but I wonder if anyone knows the answer to the following?

In my suggested daily workouts and logsheets, at the start I see that three sets per exercise are defined.  Occasionally, a fourth set will (apparently randomly) appear once I start making additions to the logsheet.

My question is: Is there a manual way of adding sets to your exercise logsheet/program?

2012/11/06, 11:20 AM
I'm as baffled by the new set up as you are. I have cut and pasted workouts into my notepad, made adjustments and entered the number of reps and sets. When I work out I print the notepad workout and take it with me to record reps and weights. Then I cut the workout from notepad, paste it to my flog and fill in the weight, rep and set as needed.

I have read that there is another way but damned if I can figure it out.

I pretty much use the FT workouts as a basis for a start. I drop and add movements to fit my equipment. I am hearing similar feed back from long time FT members.. Maybe there are some newer members who have figured out how the system is supposed to work. I'm an old dog that doesn't want to learn new tricks.